Buah Jeruk Bali Bireuen Aceh Indonesia

in busy •  7 years ago 

Jeruk Bali yang tumbuh subur di Kecamatan Peusangan Kabupaten Bireuen Aceh menjadi andalan sektor perkebunan.

(The citrus of Bali that flourish in Peusangan Sub-district of Bireuen Aceh Regency become the mainstay of plantation sector.)


Hampir di setiap halaman rumah di desa kecamatan peusangan bireuen aceh ada tanaman bali orange yang banyak buahnya.

(almost in every yard of the house in the villages kecamatan peusangan bireuen aceh there are plants bali orange that many fruits)


Harga rata-rata per buah jeruk bali mencapai Rp.25.000 sampai Rp 30.000. yang dipetik langsung oleh agen penjual jeruk bali.

(the average price per fruit of grapefruit reaches Rp. 25,000 up to Rp 30,000. which is quoted directly by the agent of the grapefruit seller.)

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jeruk bali tersebut memiliki rasa yang sangat manis dan ada juga rasa Asam Manis, tergantung kepada kita penikmat jeruk bali yang mana kita sukai.
(the grapefruit has a very sweet taste and there is also a taste of Sweet Acid, depending on us lovers of grapefruit which we like.)
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