I Switched To Busy

in busy •  6 years ago  (edited)

. . . and so should YOU!

image source: @busy.org

Recently I've been interacting with the Steem blockchain through busy.org and I am beyond impressed to say the least. After being a Steemit.com user for over a year and not really seeing much change or improvement on the UI/UX side at all (thanks for the night mode though, amazing feature), it makes me wonder what their front end developers are up to.

But you know what? Who cares.

Busy is full of tiny little perks that make navigating the site a pleasure, it saves me trips to the blockchain and I can even leave some Steemit tools behind as most things you would need to look up on a regular basis are already implemented into the frontend. I'm not gonna go through the entire list of new features the Busy team added, but you can read about it in the Busy v2.4 Release, and I would like to point out a few things that I thought were neat.

  • Perhaps one of the most important features for me was getting notifications. I already forgot how convenient it is to receive a pop up notification about a comment or a mention, or a new follower in real time. And it isn't just convenience, I feel like getting notified helps you to interact with people more effectively too.

  • Another thing that I noticed was quite helpful is having the current Steem and SBD price feed in your wallet.

  • Busy tells you real time vote value and voting power for any user, how cool is that? I no longer need to consult the blockchain to check my stats, thanks Busy!

  • Next, ever wondered how much $$$ exactly a certain user gave to you? Or the amount of money you're willing to contribute? Just hover over the like button and the knowledge is all yours. Precise upvote data.

  • And lastly, the most important thing - all of it is absolutely free of charge which means Busy doesn't take a penny out of your author rewards for using their service. Now, how cool is that? It is almost hard to believe, but it is true. For the longest time, I thought that Busy.org took author beneficiary rewards, but after speaking to the developers, I learned that they do not! Kudos!

I guess I'm going to wrap this up now and hopefully there will be more of you checking Busy out for yourself, have fun!

And oh yeah, did I mention that they got a bunch of helpful people on their Discord Server? Yes, they do. Follow @busy.org to receive updates about this alternative front end that just so happens to kick Steemit's ass in every way :D.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Ive been doing all my posting with busy a long time already now, and I absolutely love it!

Scrolling through my feed I like better with Steemit on the other hand, but busy is winning for sure in terms of stats. Good article!

(Ps maybe you know that.. uhhh votingslider is not always there? I want to be flexible in my votes. Any idea how I can get this?)

You get the slider option when you have 500+ SP I think.

I know that is the deal on Steemit itself and I know busy has it already from when ever you start.

Im gonna find this out later today :)

Thanks for thinking with us!

Yeah, I can see where it may be more convenient to scroll down on Steemit, but I think it is just a matter of time until you get used to do it on here. I love how photos are not cropped on Busy and you can see the entire photograph in the preview.

Thank you!

EDIT: Usually it pops up right away for me when I click the like symbol. I'd suggest contacting their helpdesk on Discord!

Gracias I will. That was I think the main reason for me to not ALWAYS use busy. Let me find this out tomorrow

No problem! Hope they can figure it out!

Thank you for the advice. I've tried once a long time ago and for some reasons which I can't even remember switched back to Steemit. I'll give busy a second try)

Awesome, they rolled out an update last month and there's a ton of new cool features added, you might find them useful. I am pretty amazed haha

I'm new user of Steemit, but I can see the lack of comfort to manage through the interface, before registering I thought there was a notification system, but I just noticed that there is not lol ... Anyway, interesting post, good vibes!

Yeah, you think you're going to get some basic features on Steemit, but you're not, you get mad and then you get used to how things are. I don't see a reason to continue using Steemit then there's an awesome alternative and it's free. I would highly recommend sticking with Busy if you like it!

How is the registration process? I'll give it a try for sure, I'm preparing my content so maybe I can choose wisely

You just log in with your Steemit username and password at https://busy.org/
Also check out their blog @busy.org there's a lot of useful information!

Yep. I already switched some time ago. Great service, and it's nice to see some development as opposed to Steemit where if there is any ongoing development it is hidden from us.

I'd assume they update the community on what's going on on Steemit blog, but I don't follow it (probably should). Anyways, the only thing that changed since I joined last year is the logo and color, it's kinda stupid :/.

Is there a main steemit blog? Hmm.. I have never come across it. They have also added various markdown commands from multi-markdown and started allowing more html. But nothing major.

Yes, it is @steemitblog, they usually post different announcements and such on it, check it out!

(I didn't really notice those markdown and html updates probably because I use the same ones all the time, but that's cool they did it.)

I flip betwern the two. Have no idea why. But busy is great.

I don't plan on using Steemit at all, well unless I have to.

Great post! Lets do this together at @souldelas.


I've been meaning to try it out! But literally every time I forget to lol!

Hahaha! Do it :D

Thank you for your input. I just began using busy.org and see a gap in the wallet value. Well, seems like steemit.com needs to improve and will take a lot of time. I found all my posts on busy.org so it's a full benefit.

Thank you again for your input.

No problem, just felt like sharing my impressions after having used Busy for a little while with everyone, it is a great alternative to Steemit.
What do you mean by a gap in the wallet value? It should reflect average steem price, you're probably seeing different numbers since the price of steem changes often.

Thanks :)

I personally had struggles switching from steemit to busy because it lacked a night mode but i managed to solve that by installing a chrome extension called dark reader and it has been the best decision i've ever done since joining steem!

Busy just makes some things so easy to do and i also like having the steem/sbd price on the wallet and when you are reading an article about crypto sometimes it manages to show the price of that crypto to the right too so its pretty cool.

Now that you mentioned Busy publishing the price for a certain crypto-currency I am seeing it too as I type this, I didn't notice it before, another awesome feature :). I should have switched to Busy way earlier hahaha


Good post. Really interesting to try


Exactly you defined what i have experienced of both ,notification itself has been upgraded from others. brilliant software orientation were one is user friendly-by its command and easiest processes... Thumbs up to busy...!

Right on! I don't see why anyone would wanna continue using Steemit after experiencing Busy, you get so many more awesome features and you don't even have to share your author rewards which is the craziest and coolest part of it :)

I use busy, too. I like that it is convenient to upload images and many other convenient nuances.

I personally never had any problems with Steemit image uploader, but Busy is killing it when it comes to everything else :).

busy needs a night mode though...

Here is what @lunaticpandora said earlier today in a comment to this post:

I personally had struggles switching from steemit to busy because it lacked a night mode but i managed to solve that by installing a chrome extension called dark reader and it has been the best decision i've ever done since joining steem!

I don't consider it a major inconvenience though.

I don't switch to Busy precisely because of the lack of a night mode. I do have an extension like @lunaticpandora that allows me to artificially induce it, but it doesn't look as well as Steemit's night mode.

Also, the Steemconnect requirements for all transfers and operations slow down everything that I want to do. I can't "hurry up and transfer", I depend on Steemconnect, which is very often slow.

It's also a bit buggy sometimes and doesn't properly open up some threads, it has a "slinkier" functionality that makes it more prone to failure.

I prefer the primitive behaviour of Steemit for now, and I'd like an even lighter site with more information but less technological requirements like Ajax requests for every tiny little thing, wallet limitations (like Steemit that only has a few days of entries now instead of the whole transfer history) and 2-digit limits to rewards.

Ah gotcha, gotta love that night mode :D.

Luckily, Steemit provides you with all the features you prioritize in your casual interactions with it. I've been using it for over a year now and it got quite stale.
Let's see what I have to say after being a Busy user for year, but so far I've been happy with my experience.

Oh, this is awesome! 😍 Thank you for spreading the knowledge @kotturinn! I've been waiting for an update for ever and this is super! Resteemed!

No problem! Hope you enjoy using Busy, I certainly am :)

I to am a big fan of busy for many things it has so many feautures it is great

Agreed @tattoodjay, I wish I started using it earlier!

I use Steem-plus extension on steemit instead. Pretty much has all the features busy.org got.

Oh, I had no idea Steemit had extensions, that's cool, maybe you should write about it?

I need to. I have been intending to ever since Steemit started having problems and being DDOS attacked. Im pretty sure I have already logged in there before so I might as well, and now that I know all the sweet extras it has I will go do it now! Thanks for reminding me!

PS: have you killed the new monster a bunch?

Awesome! I wish I did it earlier, I remember checking out Busy back when I just joined Steemit and I didn't really see much difference so I kinda forgot about it for a year haha, gladly they managed to introduce so many updates that using Steemit doesn't really make much sense haha.
To be honest, I have not been playing Monster Hunter for a long time now, I did kill that one monster Deviljo, I think? And that was it haha, I've been playing Farcry 5 for a couple weeks and that's about it. Did you get far in MHW?

Ya deviljho was alright.. there is another new monster and siege mode. It was an unexpected update but its pretty good. The new Farcry pretty good?

I will have to check it out, thanks for letting me know!
Farcry was alright (I already beat it) don't wanna spoil it, but I expected it to be crazier and have more story twists, I guess my expectations were too high, I still enjoyed it though, I've been playing the series since Farcry 3.

You are right, Busy has many advantages over the Steemit. They are: notifications, voting slider for minnows, built-in voting stats, ability to see all your upvoters (not only the first 20) and their impact on your post. And of course, dont forget about free upvotes from Busy.org.
This all makes Busy a really cool tool for steemians. My favourite "door to the Steem blockchain" for now:-)

Yup! I love how I hardly ever need to check things on the blockchain because everything I usually want to know is just right here, pretty sweet!

I made the switch too and there is no turning back!

Agreed! :D