Much as I hate to say.....

in busy •  6 years ago 

....these are all still garage sale items. Day 4. Whew. Starting not to be so much fun but has to be done.

The 'keep' pile grows a little each day but I have it under control.

Still fairly certain I will make some money. Whether I would ever make my investment back? Doubtful. But over 35 years of collecting, who cares!





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I'm getting ready to go through a pretty large collection of stamps and get rid of most of it. It's going to be a challenge but needs to be done!

Then you know it is hard to let go. This is all frivilous stuff and I still want to keep some of it. But, putting the blinders on and moving it to the sell pile!

Good luck with the stamps.

That is a lovely collection of glass wear i hope that someone who appreciates it pays you well over the years you have put into keeping them in good order :)

Thanks, pretty sure I am going to be disappounted on what sells.

If you had visisted my blog the last few days and see how much stuff we have. Unreal.

Already wondering what to do with what doesn't sell. Seriously thinking of a booth at a flea market

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