A magical transfiguration of wild carrot at the sunset... Original photos by @olga.maslievich

in busy •  7 years ago 


The little imperceptible flower of wild carrots turns into an exciting queen of flowers at sunset. Her hundreds of little blossoms shine like stars and look like lace against the background of the evening sky!




I wish you a great weekend!

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Wowwww... superb pictures you post.
Natural beauty always look awesome,but this pictures looking more than this.

So beautiful pics! The first one is really impressive, wow!

Well done! Love that humble flower too.

Nice photos 😊 have a beautiful weekend Olga!

Nice pictures!!!

superb picture

Dear I upvote you and follow also same as Expected with you.

WOW i love this!!! It seems so real and just stunning. Really well done.

Beautifully catched. Some may think its easy to take and share photos but its not true. Its not enough to have a device you should have also eyes of a photographer.

Wahao so beautiful I like it