Heinrich Himmler biography. Roger Manvell

in busy •  7 years ago 

The life and deeds of Heinrich Himmler basically. From his German upbringing in well-off family, his historical researches at university and at school. His interes in the occult and in Tibet.

Actually, he was smart. From his longing for power the SS was created, and the SD and Gestapo.
He concentrated the cleverest people around himself, like Reinhard Heydrich, the head of SD. Very wit and clever man, but very unconscious, Heydrich is infamous for fulfilling the Holocost programm and annihilation of hundreds of thousands jews

Himmler hated Jews and thought the Germany must be cleansed from them. He adored nordic race and that is part of the reason why he chose Heydrich as the head of SD .

obsession with the occult

According to one account, one day in his castle, Himmler and 12 of Death Ring holders were sitting in circle and meditating over something. He even created the Ahnenerbe, research group to investitgate the roots of German nation.

the book worth reading

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Я сначала не посмотрел на воротник. Думал, что Ежов на фото. :) Все они тогда одинаковые были, что чекисты. что гестаповцы.

видимо, друг у друга копировали

мода она такая. она имеет мировые тенденции.
усики тогда все носили как у Гитлера. Точнее он носил как все.
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