Monetized - Instrumental 9 - On SoundCloudsteemCreated with Sketch.

in busy •  7 years ago 

I also have several songs Im going to try and monetize as well.. If you want to monetize your soundcloud let me know.

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how do you do it? have i mised something? sorry my english is bad, but i will understand. pleaselet me know...very intrested.

So you make music? or just use soundcloud?

i have arround 70 songs on soundcloud.

Find me on soundcloud same user name.. and we can message. Its a little easier that way. I'll check soundcloud in a second.

I'm still waiting on routenote to clear some tracks then i'm on my way!

I do one at a time.

Maybe that's why it's taking awhile for me, cuz i uploaded a lot of songs.

Maybe. After they clear it could take another 2 weeks to monetize soundcloud

yeah!!! I wanna know what this is about bruv!!??

So you have to use my reference code if you register is that cool?

Just researched it myself. What % are you getting and does that mean you are consenting to accepting adverts??

Just researched it myself. What % are you getting and does that mean you are accepting adverts??

I’m not sure i was using it before they monetized SoundCloud... they take 15% of royalties. You get paid per play not advertising.

I have my website set up to auto refresh... so you sign up using my reference?
