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in busy •  7 years ago  (edited)


PULO Aceh is one of the outlying islands Indonesia lies behind Indonesia kilometre zero. The island is located in Aceh Besar District, in the westernmost part of the unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (SO). The natural beauty of the island at the tip of Sumatra island is certainly already no doubt.

From a number of photos uploaded on social networking, whether on Facebook, Instagram, fuel and various other media outlets, shows how beautiful the islands located in the Western tip of Sumatra island. The objects displayed any variety, good natural attractions in the form of beach with white sand, underwater nature tours to historical tours.

Nature tourism in the form of Pulo Aceh coast yan beauty scattered in various media ever looks seductive eyes. Anyone who's seen a number of photos of Pulo Aceh's natural beaches with white sand and blue sea, naturally curious and interesting curiosity soon visiting the area, not to mention with the beauty of the coral reefs on the ocean floor of the island.
Pulo Aceh also has a rare historical attractions there are in other areas of the world, namely the historical Tower of flare. The tower was built during the reign of Netherlands colonial occupation. The tower with the red white and black which has now been turned into a red and white colors, stood with a towering 50 meters around gagahnya upwards.
"If it's not yet up to the Lighthouse Tower is, it feels like yet to Pulo Aceh," says Hidayat, one of the original students of Pulo Aceh.
In addition, the natural charm of Pulo Aceh still looks very refreshing because of the panorama still untouched natural ignorance of human hands. Every place on this island looks very interesting, especially with the hospitality of the locals towards tourists visiting guest draughts.

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i'm a fan of this island too.