Maulid rasulullah SAW

in busy •  7 years ago 


Commemorating the mawlid of the Prophet is the annual agenda for every Muslim around the world because by commemorating the maulid of the Prophet is one of the ways we miss him and show our love for the Prophet, with this great Prophet we hope for all young generations to remember and remember the struggle of the Messenger of Allah. Then we are also familiar with the agenda we often see in the memory of mawlid, the agenda of lectures or often we find advice and advice from scientists against our provisions or inputs for our role model will be a world that is the history of Islam. and the Islamic struggle until we feel that this age is full of globalization.
Hopefully with the presence and always the younger generation remember and commemorate malid we can meet with the Prophet because the apostle so loved his people we must also love him and miss the messenger of Allah.

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Bagus mas,,maulid adalah syiar agama yang paling berpengaruh dalam aqidah Aswaja, sebab di era ini sudah banyak orang yang percaya bahwa maulid itu tidak berpahala bahkan sampai mengatakannya haram.

Iya kita harapkan generasi muda dapat cinta dan slalu mengenang perjuangan perjuangan rasul kita bersama.
Terima kasih mbak atas masukan dan sarannya.
Semoga bermamfaat bagi kita semua

semoga saja bisa begitu dan terus begitu, sebab jika generasi muda tidak bisa mempertahankan adat dan budaya, maka semua akan hilang.

Iya jesca terimakasih