in busy •  7 years ago 

Along with the idea that I have to be more creative with my creativity, I asked @juliakponsford to present me with a challenge. She asked me to try making music (used to be what I did my first year of Steemit), but only publish a version of the audio played in reverse. I still haven't heard the entire reversed version.

The idea is that the final piece is a surprise to everyone, including me.



I used Fruityloops for synthns and sounds, and reversed the audio in Audacity. I did bring the reversed audio back into Fruity loops for a touch more reverb, but here is the final result.!/@rubenalexander/20180530t025829415z-juliachallengereverse-final

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Hi, I'm new to this platform. God bless your work and keep growing physically and mentally, I hope you go through my blog and follow me @carlosdap11 I follow you too

I really appreciate your creative work, that was wonderful reverse version with your creativity, it was terrific music, obviously you well done carry on my friend you will be gain.