in busy •  7 years ago  (edited)


Please go here to see the beginning of the story.

8:33 AMGame moved to provide 7 more days.Informing players of the switch.
1:38 PM@robin-mctities and @romangoddess go into the security room and see the following:

Camera 1: Newspapers, Pinkstar machine

Camera 2: Two marshmellow creatures, one Charzo in the aisle between the baking and organic, and the produce.

Camera 3: Refrigerated organic section, herb monster, produce section, dairy section.

Camera 4: Warehouse, two dead Charzo's, rear exit to warehouse.

Camera 5: Rear exit to warehouse, rear parking lot, orange van.

Camera 6: hallway with four dead monsters, security room, manager's office, exit to warehouse, exit to bathroom.

Camera 7: Bathroom hallway with two dead Charzos.

Camera 8: East parking lot.

Camera 9: Entrance, shopping carts.

1:47 PMThe rest of the group is gathered around the Pinkcoin ATM when @daclawboyz is given the usb key from the manager. The manager asks @daclawboyz to press and hold 3 numbers on the keypad to update to the latest Pinkcoin wallet.The party has received the remaining PINK bounty.
I will be posting a report for how the funds will be distributed. Those who entered areas for the first time, or do any action for the first time get adventure points. Discovering a charzo gets players more adventure points. There will be other points given for saving the most survivors, and a few other achievements. There will be a total of 100 points distributed among all players, and each party member gets a percentage of the total based on the total points. With the information @robin-mctities and @romangoddess found, you be able to figure out the last step of your mission.
9:05 PM@daclawboyz waltzes over to the marshmellows ( attack and HP) and Charzo ( attack and HP) and says, “Wanna go?!?” He rolls a and shoots two bottles worth of fizz for one damage each.Marshmellows each have 1 HP each and the Charzo has gone bye-bye.
9:16 PM@pbock has travelled through the warehouse and into the orange van. On the windshield is a hand written note. 393DE485-6ED7-4A9E-8FB0-7F1F57DD0D07.png@pbock discovers the van in the back parking lot. @pbock discovers note.
7:22 PM@daclawboyz swings his bleach-water mop (sopping wet!) and rolls a hits both Marshmellows sending them to the great bonfire in the sky.Marshmellows say adios!
7:28 PM@pbock has officially gathered all survivors and brought them to the minivan.All survivors are fighting over shotgun and making requests for music.
7:29 PM@robin-mctities looks around and finds a blank CD to store the last 24 hours of footage.Footage back up saved by @robin-mctities.
7:31 PM@robin-mctities leaves the management area, walks through the warehouse, and into the parking lot looking for a red van. He only sees an orange van.Parking lot moment.
7:32 PM@romangoddess heads over to the refrigerated organic isle to square up with the herb monster ( attack and HP)!!! HERB_MONSTER_FINISHED.jpg The herb monster tries to leaf slap @romangoddess, but rolls a and spins in a circle pretending to dance. @romangoddess rolls a and cracks a stem arm off for 3 damage.Herb monster discovered! Herb monster has 1 HP left.
8:38 PMThe MM plays the following song over the intercom. In honor of @daclawboyz's will to survive.
8:50 PM@daclawboyz wishes @romangoddess a happy International Woman's Day and rolls a before shaking and smashing two glass bottles together for a damage of... well it only had 1 HP so it is a goner.@daclawboyz does a clever trick with a bottle making it look like a pistol.
8:54 PMdonation receipt1821.png 6000 PINK was donated to be minted for this Montessori School. 100 PINK was given to the Pinkcoin Acorn fund.donation receipt1822.pngThe MM is very proud of the players.
8:57 PM@pbock checks the pockets of every dead charzo, but is unable to find any IDs.The MM is pretty sure this deserves a special award. Good on you @pbock.
10:47 PM@daclawboyz clinks his bottles and walks through the middle of the store towards the east wall saing,
Come out. Come out! Wherever you are! I'll get you, my pretty!
Sure enough, his clinking draws out two... well... I'm not sure what has happened here. human_chorzo.jpg
Mysterious human...humanoid creatures appear from the gift card aisle.
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(action) head into the shop to send off the rest of the donation funds to the Montessori school. (if memory serves that's what we agreed on. maybe donate 100 PINK to the Acorn fund, just to give them something XD)

after that, proceed to search Every Single Dead Monster for loot... and for any ID to identify who they were before they...changed...

Can't leave the families wondering forever !

if anyone objects to the donation fund distribution, say it as a reply to this comment and we can consider that part of my action null and void till we're all OK on where it goes.

you get till Ruben decides to take action on the comment XP

I like it!

awesome job Ruben! You have been mentioned in our latest monster post and will receive 2 SBD for use of your EOS logo art in it!

@rubenalexander if you're all right with it, I'd like to request @slothicorn send out an request for motivated artists to turn the Shop and Drop RPG into a small comicbook!

The awesome action scenes you thought up makes it ideal !

You could have a credits page with pinkcoin addresses for all the artists and players (and you too of course) at the end.

It's just an idea that popped into my head just now, but I think it's got potential, but do say if you think it's ridiculous 😅

I am sure the end result will be worth it. It is a good idea!

Thinking they should all be out by now.
(Action) moves to the driver's seat, sees the key in the ignition, starts the van and drives it to towards the front main entrance of the supermarket.

(action) gets in to the van to seat and wait for the rest of my teammates.

(action) join @daclawboyz and try to communicate with the weird humanoids... maybe they're not all evil ?

If they are, proceed to attempt my somersaulting dual basket headshot attack !

Also, search them for ID when they're dead... and gift cards... you never know ;)

Then we can hunt for that last monster that escaped outside !

(action) i spot a monster running, trying to escape at the front of the supermarket, i drive the van straight through it ramming it hard and making sure the tires squash its head.

rofl! I love this passive (save survivors) aggressive (monster road kill) personality you have.

(action) I walk through the various aisles clinking my glass bottles together, hoping to draw out the last monster inside. I drag my mop with me, leaving a sopping wet bleachy trail behind me...

(action) pulls up in front of the entrance to the supermarket like a heist escape car driver, honks the horn again to let my team mates know that we have to wrap this up quickly and get go!

Hahahaha, this is beyond amazing! MM is a masterful mix-master!

(question) Is there any monsters still alive in the ol' Shop & Drop?

There are two left in the store. One ran outside during a battle.

(action) After saying goodbye to the Marshmallow monsters, I run over to the Refrigerated Organic aisle to help @romangoddess! I've got glass bottles of soda, a bleachy mop and the will to survive. I throw a couple of fizzy sodas at the roots of the herb monster... hoping soda and 11 secret herbs and spices don't mix (even though we know they do).

the story behind the game is a history..........good luck @rubenalexander

(Action) stands watch as the IT guys do their thing.

(action) comes out of whatever stupor he was in and stumbles his way toward the ATM to join the rest of the party that he can hear, at least he hopes that is what he hears.

(comment) I believe the reward should be distributed between those who have participated the most in the game and worked together for the entire 7 days of the previous post. This player needs a better way to keep track of when he needs to come and participate since editing the post does not give me a notification.

Personally I checked in on my comments pane every now and then, as the MM always upvotes the comments he's acted on.

If only eSteem worked well enough to always give the voting notifications 😅

It could be possible to make a small script that watches a single post for changes I think. Kind of like a daemon running in the background and getting the post every now and then, and checking if it's changed compared to what's in memory.

But it'd be a bit of a bother to make 😅

As for rewards distribution, that's how I see it too. Just hope I get a good share for finding the first half of the coins 😇😈

This is what I use. I have a busy schedule (kids, work, grad class) so using the Ginabot is a life saver. She operates on discord.

I think what I will do is give points to people who fought monsters, saved survivors, made a weapon, or hit major milestones. Through all of that, I think we should be able to respect any significant efforts put in.

(Question) is it going to be with the same theme with the last one that Hazmat suits and infection?

Yes. This is a continuation of that game.

It seems alot of fun here :)

(Action) join daclawboyz and escorts him to the ATM to do all the IT stuff with it. (He'll have to take care of that, given my Internet issues).

As for distribution of funds, as long as I get a good share of the ones I found we can let the MM decide who did good. Daclawboyz having rescued the manager definitely did great !

(Question) has the pink atm machine been turned off?

The pink machine is on, but the balance in the wallet is zero. Players have sent the ATM and cashier 6 PINK to the MM to redistribute based on achievements that will be announced at the end of the game.

(action) get all the survivors into the red van and tell them to exercise a little more patience as the rescue mission is almost complete.
I get into the driver's seat, honk the horn a couple of times to alert my team mates or any wondering survivor as to the location of the van.

(action) before splitting up i collect the sword knife thingy from @robin-mctities.
(action) going back inside the supermarket straight to he refrigerated organic section to take out the herb monster.

(Action) investigate the orange van.

I'm curiosity incarnate, okay ? Xp

Dear Mr pbock, you're required at the Ork Hulk... I'd move for you but I don't want to put you in danger that you didn't necessarily intend.

(action) head out again to find any survivors wandering around inside the shop, and bring them to the van.

Take the road through the shop containing the least monsters.

Super smart move! There should be a few hiding near the checkout.
I'll finish these monsters!

(action) head straight to the mustering point where the survivors are gathered, do a head count and lead them all to the orange getaway van

(action) i get the copies of all video feeds and make my way out through the warehouse exit

(action) I take my bleach covered mop and start jabbing the Marshmellows until they either retreat or they've melted into delicious, delicious goo!

there is something behind this game which i still see hidden..thanks sir @rubenalexander

(action) going into the security room to secure the video feeds

While you're at it try and figure out how the Charzo were created using the video recordings !

We need proper documentation for our report !

(action) I pick up my basket of remaining fizzy soda bottles, as well as my mop and bleach bucket and go and investigate the marshmallow creatures and the charzo near the baking and organic aisle. We all know what happens when you mix marshmallow and soda... I hope, for their sakes, they don't want to fight.

Who you gonna call... ?

hums theme song

I won't lie... I hope it gets messy.

(action) rommy follows @robin-mctities to to get the video feeds

Sorry folks. I am dealing with a painful tooth ache and will update when I get a chance.

no worries, we can wait, Hope your tooth gets better !

Toothaches are one of the worst things ever, given how sensitive they are.

Going to a doc now. Thanks @pbock. The final step to end the mission should be clear now that everyone has seen the video feeds. I've updated the game log.

No hurry Ruben, this is a super awesome game totally worth waiting for!

The latest EOS and monster logo always gives you something nice and motivated for many people. This is amazing!! I often stop by in your post and see your activity that gives a lot of inspiration for me @rubenalexander

Very good game, I like, thank you for sharing

Great Work @rubenalexander. Game on.

It was a good run Ruben! Thanks for having me.

Thats amazing img. How u made it? :) Upvoted

(action) Join @pbock in trying to communicate, and if that doesn't work... attack with all my might and glory! For Sparta!