Some things about the most beautiful insect butterfly in the animal world. (Part - 3 )

in busy •  7 years ago 

Differences between butterflies and moths

Both butterflies and moths are included in the leopidaptor class because they have many similarities, similarly there is a difference and there are many. Interestingly, under this class, most species are moths and the number of moth species is almost eight times higher than butterflies in the whole world.

  • Butterfly is much more colorful than moth, although many colorful moths are also found.

  • Although active in butterflies, moths are usually active during the night.

  • The moth heads down while rest, but the butterfly keeps its head high.

  • Moths are usually in the lower part of the day in the day, due to which they are less visible.

  • The front portion of the moth antenna is relatively thick.
    The reason for the butterfly color

These fibers are made of melanin, a type of pigment or pigment, which produce black and brown color in the foil. But red, blue, green, yellow - where do these colors come from? These are but colorful works of butterflies Not with any pigment.
The small part of the fiber is made of these colors. There is a kind of light crystal or photonic crystal nature in fiber. So when the sun's light is in the foreskin, there is a spectrum dispersion of light based on the fiber's microstructural pattern. And through his influence we see various butterflies in different colors. These fibers are so subtle, light and loose, that the fingerprints of the butterfly will touch their fingers. And the butterfly color and beauty will be destroyed in it.

Read the next post to get some more ideas about butterflies.


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various kinds of butterfly,,,,,looking so beautiful..thanks for share