Electronics giant Samsung's flagship Android Smartphone Galaxy S9 is getting new information every day. Samsung has already announced the date to unveil the phone. As well as "leaks" from different sources, various features, specifications and designs of the Galaxy S9. Of course, all of this information can not match at all. However, these reports have some idea about the Galaxy S9. So, let's know, Samsung's flagship phone, the potential new features, prices and other information about the Galaxy S9.
Design and name
Samsung's flagship phone slim and screen-focus will be in 2018. Much would like to see it leaked Galaxy S 8, the picture from the shows. Its name will be the Galaxy S9, it is revealed by Samsung itself. Apple has released the iPhone 10 by excluding 9 numbers after their iPhone 8. But Samsung will not do this work. They confirmed in the press release of the company's financial results that they will release S9 this year after the Galaxy S8 .
Release date
Samsung confirmed in January, said that it will open on February 5 Galaxy 9 (time zone should be kept in mind). Samsung to unveil phone in Mobile World Congress in Barcelona Above is the picture of the invitation to the event of the unpack event. The device may start pre-order starting on March 1, which is expected to reach customers' hands since March 16.
Face ID?
There are rumors that Apple may have a phased scanner like the iPhone 10 on the Galaxy S9 phone. It can be named Intelligence Scan. Last year, the Galaxy S8 came with features to scan the eyes and unlock the phone . S 9 can come with phase scanning feature
Fingerprint scanner on screen?
In January, Chinese phone maker Vivo placed a transparent fingerprint scanner in their smartphone screen. With the help of Synaptics, there will be fingerprint scanners without any extra space on the phone's screen, and screen graphics will also be shown there. Because it is transparent, there will be no more space on the screen. It is believed that there might be such a feature in the Galaxy S9, although this possibility can be assumed to be less.
Processor, storage, RAM
The Snapdragon 845 processor can come in Samsung Galaxy S9. Samsung will also have its own Xperia 9810 processor which will be available in the local area. Internal storage can stop from 64 GB to 512 GB . And the amount of RAM can vary from 4 GB to 6 GB.
On the invitation of the Galaxy S9's opening ceremony, Samsung has written that they have brought significant improvements to the phone's camera. Although there is no known details of this yet. However, you can expect to be known on February 25. There are two and two front cameras on the back of the Galaxy S 9+. The original camera may have fingerprints below (not sure if it will also be on screen).
Two models
Samsung will bring Samsung Galaxy S9 to the Galaxy S9 with its larger Galaxy S9, so everyone has taken it. We have to wait till February 25 for screen size and resolution.
This year Samsung's flagship smartphone can offer 3000 to 3500 mAh battery, which can carry up to 20 hours of continuous usage of phones.
Prices and other
Like the Galaxy S8, there is a possibility of having a headphone jack on the S9 phone. The price of the phone may start from 850 USD. It is believed to be similar to the Galaxy S8.
For now, these are the latest information about Samsung Galaxy S9. Stay tuned for more updates on this.