Google, God of the Intenet

in busy •  7 years ago 


Oh, great one, Google, why hast thou forsaken me? You send me notifications claiming I have things invalid. Yet when I go to 'validate" your claims, I find them invalid. Surely there has been a crossing of wires in the vastness of cyberspace. Possibly an Internet interruption of sorts.

from your lord and master, Google
Message type: [WNC-10030260]
Search Console
We're validating your Index coverage issues for site



I realize I have no right to question you, yet, there are times I have to, for if not, I may spontaneously combust from pure frustration. I realize we are to believe we shall not question your greatness, your intelligence, or your wisdom, but anyone with a lick of sense, knows there are times that we believe you are just fucking with us because you can.
Those struggling to make it to that coveted place on page one of your great kingdom realize how we must grovel and obey your every rule, yet at the same time deep in those hearts and souls you suck the good out of, feel shame and often embarrassment inside. They even feel they may stray from the fold, and decide to worship "other gods".

Yes oh great Google, there are others out there, and you may not think them worthy of you, not equals, yet they have no prejudice, they have no constant rule and commandments we must follow, and they don't dare try to censor us, like you and your second in command, the Almighty YouTube.

So I guess at the moment we are at odds oh great one, so till the day comes back as it once was, where we are all treated fair and justly, your flock will thin, your profits fall, and we shall and do, take your name in vain.
PS. Please fix Adsense, I need the money!


Just in case I lost anyone with this post, today I received a notice from Google, telling me I had some invalid entries on my site. I've spent 2 1/2 hours "correcting" mistakes, that weren't mistakes, but had to be done anyway. After all, I wouldn't want to piss Google off, now would I?

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