Life Satisfaction Can not Be Measured With Matter

in busy •  6 years ago 

Peaceful companions glorified hopefully in the almighty shelter always.


in this life all the Sesutu can not all be bought with money, and there is something that can not be appreciated and purchased with money, something that is the satisfaction of heart and pleasure felt during life.


Because satisfaction can not be measured with matter, satisfaction can not be forced to be enjoyed, why? because satisfaction and pleasure are the affairs of the heart that possesses, a sense of satisfaction that leads to the happiness and enjoyment of this life which is more precious than a happiness in this world.


Therefore look at how many people who live in the wealth and luxury but not necessarily oaring feels happiness received, and there is also a soul that lives with the riches of treasure but his heart is always dilan loneliness trouble dabn heart, and how many of these people who spent his lifetime with the bustle of life but felt the silence and the giddiness and the upset.


Compassionate friends how many people prefer to spend time outside and not at home in the absence of living with family honor, it all affirms to us how important happiness and satisfaction of heart in running this life.
Therefore this man, though the suffering and torture is all meaningless in order to maintain the self-esteem and confidence of the heart, even death will feel beautiful and bahgia asakan belief will not be separated from the embrace, what we do on the basis of honesty and kemuan akan always menyetbitkan happiness and the tranquility of this life.


in other words honesty that can be voiced, courage that can be demonstrated, the toughness that holds on the principle that can be proved will always bring to the satisfaction of the heart, and the satisfaction of the heart will always bring to the unhappy happiness, because that is said to be honest, courageous, resilient and fearless, anxious and worried in the face of problems Because it holds on a strong and resilient principle.

Thank you for reading my scratches where there are words that are not quite fit for forgiveness

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