Genetically Modified HumanssteemCreated with Sketch.

in busy •  5 years ago 

For those who watch the mainstream media, have you ever noticed what they focused upon? Do you think most of that is relevant to what is taking place on the planet?

Most of us are aware that they like to spread negativity. The information presented is made to scare people. Fear is a powerful weapon and the repeated telling of how awful the world is only reinforces that. The curious thing is most of it is not true.

If it is on the mainstream media, there is a better than 85% chance it is not true. Think of the biggest topics in the past and how they turned out. Even if they are in the ball park, they do not present it in a way that has the facts in it. Instead, an agenda is presented and swallowed by the masses.

We are living in an age where technology is taking over. It is really that simple. There is little way to avoid it. Over the next decade, it is going to penetrate more of our lives. The question is what type of system are we going to have constructed?

Will it be one where technology works for us or one where the few elite control everything?

What little of the mainstream that I do catch shows how completely inept most of the leadership is for this new era. I recall watching those fossils in the United States Senate interviewing Zuckerberg over the Facebook breach. It would be laughable if it weren't so sad.

I looked at the two Presidential candidates in 2016 and knew we were completely screwed. On one hand you had The Don, who's idea of technology is Twitter. Then, we had Princess Hillary who was not even bright enough to know not to access confidential information on a public wi-fi.

The two of them combined equate to technological idiots.

This is just another example of how technology outpaces society. For decades, the problems created were minor since the technology we were dealing with didn't have horrendous consequences. This is not true the last 20 years or so. And, if my views are correct, this will be critical over the next decade.

Here is a question: what is the most important question for society to be addressing?

I will tell you, it is not something you hear much about on the mainstream media. It is something that I promise you is taking place and will result in technological breakthroughs. There are a host of ethical discussions that need to take place and people need to educate themselves about what is happening.

Is this occurring? Of course not. People would have to peel away from the Kardashians to do that.



So what is the mega-situation? It is gene-editing or the idea of genetically modified humans.

The technology is rapidly advancing to be able to do things that would make Hitler blush. Scientists all over the world are working on breakthroughs in this field. Yet you hear little about it. What is put out there does not delve into the potential of the situation. If people are screaming about vaccinations now, wait until you see what this stuff can do.

Sex might not be used for reproduction. We are certainly looking at the possibility where pro-creation is done through other means. How will society address this? Is it even being talked about?

While some "purists" might think gene-editing is wrong, what if you knew your child would be born with a horrific disease that he or she would have to struggle with for life? What is there was an option, where through a simply programming of a part of the genome, that disease would not exist? I think most caring parents would opt for that.

Of course, none of this is cut or dry. The most likely course of action is that we, as a society, will do little about it until it is too late. Our political leaders are a joke and will continue to be so. In the United States, we have a tendency to elect a bunch of people with law degrees (or ex bartenders and builders) instead of people with a technological/scientific background. Sure the lawyers are slick at debated but pertinent knowledge tends to be lacking.

We are looking at a future where the world of sports is completely turned upside down. Imagine being able to search one's genome to determine if that person has the genetic makeup to be an Olympic swimmer. Or perhaps we see people altering themselves genetically to be able to be smarter than others. Who is going to have access to these technologies? How will they be distributed?

There are a lot of things that are going to change society but I see this as the biggest. We are going to be able to alter the course of evolution. Not only will it be sped up, we are going to be able to take it in directions we want. That is a radically new concept.

Naturally, the religions of the world will have a cow. They already think that using stem cells is playing God. Forget about this. Bet the ranch that evil doers who have the thirst to control like Zuckerberg are aching to get their hands on this stuff. Does anyone here really want any government, let alone North Korea, to have access to this?

People are going to be able to alter many things about themselves. Technology is always neutral, it depends upon how it is used. One one hand, this can do things like provide human longevity or eradicate diseases. On the other, we could see people forced into altering things against their will (look at the vaccination issue and multiply it by 100).

These are issues we are going to have to confront yet few are even talking about it. I implore everyone to make this a part of their regular reading/research. Learn what is going on to be able to speak intelligently about it. Do not depend upon others taking up the mantle and certainly do not trust the media on this.

It is far too important.

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I'm transhumanist and looking closely for all this issues

A smart way to be. There is certainly going to be a merging of us with technology to even a greater degree than there is now.

The question is will it be of benefit or detriment to the masses.

It all comes down to, in my mind, who is in control of said technology.


We are approaching a fork in the road and need to choose the right path. Except, which blockchain, and technology as a whole, it isn't just one fork. There are thousands of options. Millions even.

Almost feels like we are on the verge of breaching the cosmos and ascending to a higher dimension of existence.

Like everything else, there's no one right answer. All blockchains have utility for some purpose or other, and different folks have different purposes. There are billions of people today, and each of them has their own right answer. Centralization works for some folks that yearn to just be told what to do and get their ration of soylent. Most of us don't take to enslavement quite so readily. Institutions focus the power of a group on a single matter, and thus wield greater power on that matter than an individual, but as a result institutions are one trick ponies, and the inconceivable breadth of options decentralization provides simply cannot be addressed via institutional power.

It isn't any one technology that will transcend our extant paradigm. It's all the many ways decentralization of technologies concatenate. Suppose I have a 3D printer, grow some food with aquaponics, and make myself a mesh network router so I can join my neighbors in creating a network that isn't owned by Jeff Bezos or Eric Schmidt. While some other folks may not have the printer, or grow their own food, they might do some genetic engineering in their garage, and manufacture rifled barrels with a CNC machine for trade goods. You can see how amorphous and impossible to control such networks can be for one global despot to force into 9 to 5 jobs that pay taxes very quickly. The more powerful the institution, the fewer things it can undertake.

Folks that adopt these technologies early will profit most from them. Central banks are obsolete, not because of cryptocurrency, but because parasitism on the production of masses of people is going to become impossible. Then crypto will be useful as we work out means of exchanging value without debt based fiat currency.

Seize the day.

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great article and me personally whatever the media says i do the opposite and i do very very well
for example the gulf oil spill of BP when the media said BP is finished i went out and bought and 18 months later i made a killing
i love the media and govt i do the opposite of what they say and i make money lol
have a good evening sir
i am new here and will be watching and reading your posts

Use some of that killing to buy some STEEM. :)

Very few people are even aware that CRISPR technology is publicly available today. For less than the cost of a good lunch for your family you can buy a kit to alter genes in your own home. For the price of a textbook you can take a class that teaches you genetic engineering online, and the class will include necessary supplies and equipment. is open for business today.

Patents apply to commercial use of novel technology, not to personal use. Extant mechanisms to suppress research by 'scientists' focuses on funding mechanisms. There are no means to apply such laws I am aware of that can restrict a natural person from doing whatever they want to with CRISPR. There will be clamor to put a stop to it, from every conceivable source, before long. Religious folks, sociopaths bent on world dominance, extant scientific institutions determined to remain relevant in a world where decentralization has made them obsolete, and many more, will all try to stuff the genie back in the bottle.

It won't work. The information has already been widely disseminated, and can be learned by anyone who puts forth the effort. It is not something that requires genius level IQ, because AI and other mechanisms like templates make well understood genetic engineering simple. Trying to prevent specialized equipment from being available only will force people to make their own. The cliche about abortions and coat hangers is relevant. Coat hangers aren't the tools doctors prefer, but will do the job. Same for genetic engineering. Same for every technology. I read about a kid trying to make a nuclear bomb in his garden shed. He used a bucket and a rope as a centrifuge to enrich uranium.

I predicted decades ago that people will be growing antlers before I die, and I remain confident that will happen. You're right that the implications of CRISPR are profound, and ineffable. Despite all the technological marvels we are surrounded with today, being able to alter our genes will make them all look inconsequential. The most startling thing about it is that no government, school, or group of any kind has any ability to actually control it. Individual persons will do as they will with their genes. It doesn't even matter if we think that's how it should be or not.

There's not a damn thing anyone can do to stop it. Free people have this power today, and all any of us lacks is knowledge. That knowledge is available from competent experts for nominal cost today, and if you're smart enough you can actually figger it out all by yourself. That's how the knowledge came about to begin with. It's been done, and it can be done again.

We are gonna change the world, whether we want to or not, on purpose or on accident, by changing ourselves. Given the import of our genes, it seems really important that we learn as much as possible about what can be done with them and how, so we can at least protect ourselves from mistakes that are going to be made. That's how people learn, after all: from their mistakes. It's time to start making mistakes and learning how to do this right. The kits available online start with things like yeast and frogs. That's a good place to make beginner's mistakes IMHO, rather than on ourselves.

When it comes to genomes, it's time to get crackin'.

CRISPR is amazing
been reading about it for just over a year from people at agora publishing and some other places as well lately
lots of people i mention CRISPR to in my area have no idea whats happening either.
good post cheers

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Very nice intriguing article to read. When newly elected President Trump came to the WH he sought the assistance of Mr. Bill Gates. Would be great if Mr. BG would run for sure a new world will be born; hopefully for good not evil.

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