The Long Term Outcome Is Secured: It Will Take Years To Unfold Though

in busy •  6 years ago 


I am writing this post as one who believe the gig is up. I firmly feel the establishment is going to crumble under the weight that is laid upon them. We are entering a new era which will obliterate the existing systems. What is taking place now will have enormous implications down the road.

In short our entire society is going to change.

The challenge with this is realizing it is not going to happen overnight. This is going to take a while before the process will fully work itself out. And do not think for a second that the established entities that gain from the present system are willingly going to give up the power.

There will be a lot of resistance before the results are clear.

However, it is like a boxing match that is fixed. Even though the results are not in doubt, the fight still needs to take place. Blows with be thrown even if just for the sake of the audience.

Using this analogy, we are still at the introduction.


I keep posting the Vision 2025 pic to remind all of us this is a long term process. The gift that was given to the world with the Bitcoin White Paper is evolving. The fact that money can now be created and distributed by anyone is something the world is only beginning to realize. It is going to take a while to come to grips with it and the potential it holds.

At the same time, governments and central banks are going to do all they can to hinder the progress. They understand the threat it poses which is why they are seeking to control it. We are beginning to see the next phase of the ruse. Let's call it "if you cannot beat them, join them". It is only a matter of time before central banks get into the cryptocurrency game.

The challenge is that cryptocurrency is based upon the idea of trust, or more specifically, a lack of trust. Being transparent and immutable means the blockchain is the trusted entity since others are not worthy of that trust.

We already saw a government (Venezuela) issue a cryptocurrency. Did that alleviate anything? Was the crypto the magical answer to anything down there? The answer is obviously not since the Petro was issued by an entity that showed itself to be incapable of managing itself.

Blockchain and cryptocurrency hold enormous potential. They are disruptive forces that go to the core of society. However, for the value to be fully realized, it is going to take at least a decade, if not more. That does not mean that markets cannot take off. They can. What I am referring to is the impact on society that is often mentioned.

We tend to be impatient. This causes us to miss out on what is truly taking place. We are embarking upon the creation of a brand new Internet, dubbed 3.0. This version of the Internet gives control back to individuals. One of the reasons why I feel it will take a while is the masses, for the most part, are still not aware there is a problem. They might have an idea what Facebook is doing yet show up each day to post away. The level of pain is not there yet for mass adoption of an alternative.


Which is fine because the technology for this alternative is still in the embryonic stage. Consider how far Steem advanced in the past 12 months. If you look at where the blockchain was a year ago, you will see a dramatic difference on most levels. Yet, in comparison to the established systems, we are but a flea. Hopefully, that will not always be the case.

The main advantage that cryptocurrency and blockchain has going is that trust is diminishing around the world. We see people awakening to what the media is putting out. Studies are revealing that a larger percentage of people do not believe what they say. The same is true for our political establishments. Corporations are showing themselves to be concerned only about the bottom line. And people are seeing how corrupt the bankers truly are.

The people who are here are most likely what is referred to, on an esoteric level, as "old souls". We are the ones who tend to doubt what is going on. Since we were around a while, things start to look the same. Political parties appear opposite to most people but it is the same control mechanism to us. We see through the agenda while questioning what is being served up.

This makes us trailblazers. It also provides in intuitiveness that many others do not have. We can sense when something is truly revolutionary. The challenge is this revolution operates on an evolutionary scale. That requires time for things to unfold.

In my view, we are all part of the answer. The developers are hacking away at code creating applications that people are going to use on a daily basis. Users are posting and commenting which, over time, will drive more traffic here. Each coin earned is another dagger in the side of the establishment. It might take a gazillion paper cuts before this one is hacked to pieces but we will get there.

Ultimately, the present system leaves too many out. It is one that is built around slavery. Freedom is reserved for only the few. While most of the world saw advancement, the slavery simply takes on another form.

Those of us here realize what the solution is. With a new monetary system, we can see the path before us. It is the light at the end of the tunnel.

Unfortunately, the trip through this tunnel will take many years. Good thing we have plenty of things to enjoy in the meantime.

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I echo your sentiments wholeheartedly. Every establishment I see looks to be in radical change or on the precipice of annihilation. I know we have all thought that this has been coming for decades now, but the cracks are visible.

The great thing is that there are people building the tools to replace those relics and those tools are mostly open sourced and decentralized. The power change that represents can't be overstated.

Change can be violent and unpredictable and I expect that in this case, but if we can keep our wits about us and show the benifets of our tools and principles, we may stand a chance in peace and prosperity coming out of it all.

I see the powers that be will villify cryptocurrency and anything outside gov. control as potentially harmful.

I’ll sum it up for the people... patience everyone 😬😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think one of the advantages that cryptocurrency will bring is driving down cost of merchandise and services. Currently, any business that want's to compete and survive must take credit cards. The credit card companies are fleecing the merchants and service providers. Those wonderful cash-back rewards are actually passed onto the merchant. In addition, the credit card companies take fees. These fees add up and severely cut into profit. It also requires the merchants to float the customer. The merchants must wait until the customer pays their credit card bill which could be over a month. It is a huge amount of capital that the business must float. Ultimately these fees are passed onto the customers in the form of higher prices. When merchants realize that they can accept payments in seconds with little to no fees, it would shake up the entire credit card and banking industry.

I am curious, have you considered that they knew their system was collapsing decades ago and have created this "out" for us? It seems to me that it was their money that pumped things so high last year, and being able to print their money which everything is valued by in the markets enables them to play with the entire market as they would. Unless we get to the point where it becomes a barter system cutting them out and offering anonymity (which I am not convinced is possible) they have demonstrated they will send their enforcers (cops) to kidnap people and steal our belongings if we don't pay what they say we owe.

I would appreciate your insights into this, as I read enough of your posts to know you ponder crypto and the future a lot.

I am not sure they knew their system was collapsing decades ago because their model always worked. Pumping is nothing new. The roaring 20s were that way because of easy credit. The markets back then were pumped. Human nature is that long term success can cause a blind spot. Why should they change?

Even a decade ago, where things almost fell off a cliff, they were able to stabilize it. They keep coming up with new ways to save themselves. Besides, we all know they are not the ones left holding the bag.

As for the enforcers, the only works when you are dealing with a few. When it is the masses, they dont have enough guns or people to wield them. The uprising in France with the Yellow Vests was a small taste.

The difference today is the flow of information. Decades ago, we were really beholden to what they told us. With a handful of news stations, we were at their mercy. Now, even though they try to marginalize the "alt-media", the message does get passed along. Also, it was only a conspiracy nut who questioned the message put forth (agenda). Now, even average people question events such as 9-11, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Iraq War.

My statement about the outcome being secured does not diminish the forces that are against it. But as @diggndeeper posted, the tools are being developed to combat their system. We did not see this before. Mesh networks, cryptocurrency, blockchain, open AI, and a host of other technologies are being delivered into the hands of average people.

Hell the most world's leading hacker could be the teenager two doors down.

Interesting to see how development continues despite the cycles we continued to experience. It is a demonstration of the snowball effect that is decentralization in the financial system.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Always insightful Thank you @taskmaster4450

At the same time, governments and central banks are going to do all they can to hinder the progress. They understand the threat it poses which is why they are seeking to control it. We are beginning to see the next phase of the ruse. Let's call it "if you cannot beat them, join them". It is only a matter of time before central banks get into the cryptocurrency game.

Sounds like an Andreas Antonopolous video I watched the other day.

He brings up this five stages of grief analogy quite often.

  1. Denial
  2. Anger (attack: energy consumption, funds terrorism, etc.)
  3. Bargaining (blockchain not Bitcoin)
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

In your quote you are covering Anger, Bargaining, and a bit of Acceptance.