in busy •  7 years ago 


Material :

1 btr Egg
2 tbsp Wheat flour (premium blue triangle)
100 ml of water
1 tbsp margarine (in melt)
2 tbsp milo
1 tbsp Goodday Vanilla Latte
1/4 tsp baking powder
Strawberry Jam (for spread)
Meises (for topping)

How to make :

  1. Beat the egg until frothy.
  2. Enter wheat flour, milo, baking powder, vanilla latte and stir well.
    3 Pour water, stir back and add the heated margarine.
  3. Heat teflon, pour a tablespoon of vegetables leave until the top is not sticky and then behind. Then lift. and keep it on the plate. And so on until the dough runs out.
  4. Apply strawberry jam between layers of pancake.
  5. Tab meises
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Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture challenge. Good Luck.

Looks delicious @taufit333, if this is a traditional food or recipe it will be suitable for the CV challenge but you will need to give a bit of background as well. For example is this eaten at this time of year? Is it a family recipe that sort of thing.

okay, sure i will make a background like that @eroche say, thanks for your comment @eroche