From Half-Marathon Training To Martial Arts And Hyper-Bitcoinization!

in busy •  6 years ago  (edited)

This Bangkok half-marathon is this November and I have a shot at the podium, and even though my chances are quite small, I'm quite stoked by it and my current training.

1:18 would have ranked me second in last's year Bangkok half-marathon and I've actually ran 3 sub 1:18 half-marathons in the last 5 years. That said, I'm far from my prime condition.

Less than 2 weeks ago I ran Nicolet's half-marathon in 1:25 or 7 minutes slower than I would need to, to get a good shot at the podium. The podium is something but it's far from everything. It's mostly a silly goal.

Run For Your Life!

In order to achieve my sub 1:18 half-marathons, I usually run at least 100km (60 miles) a week with a pace averaging between 4:00-4:30/km and intervals ranging from 3:15-4:00/km. I'd say I need around 4-8 weeks of these and going as high as 140km a week. The hick is that the race is on the 18th of November and I currently run 70-80km a week.

Also, I'll need around 5 days before the race to recuperate from all the training and thus that leaves me less than 2 weeks of intensive training. Not only that but I'll be traveling during those weeks, meeting with people I've long to meet for more than 2 years now, which could potentially make training very unappealing during that time.

Yesterday's training (Not my heart rate!)

But I have a shot at this podium, okay not so much anymore and it doesn't really matter. A podium is mostly just a nice place from where you stand, a couple of inches higher than most and from where you salute people you mostly don't know that take pictures of you.

On the 2nd step of the podium in Nicolet 2 weeks ago

For me it's moslty about going beyond my limits and about strength, endurance and stamina I'm gaining and can use in all other walks of my life. Strength, endurance and stamina aren't just part of life, they are life itself. They are like the resource credits, voting power and Steem Power of Steem, without them nothing can be done.

Martial Arts At Heart!

Health is life and moving is a primordial aspect of it. I've recently begun doing some martial art training, thanks to a good friend of mine who also started recently. Martial arts are a very good way to push our limits. I've been watching some martial arts video this week and I've been fascinated by some of the incredible physical abilities they displayed.

This one guy can seemingly break coconuts using only his index finger to crack the nut open. I'm pretty sure any regular person would end up breaking their own bones no matter where they'd try to hit this guy. I'm very impressed by what the human body can achieve when put under constant stress or repetitive shocks. Martial arts would have left their masters practically unassailable prior to the advent of modern technologies.

The Struggle For Survival!

Self-defense should be part of any logical system of education. It's one basic aspect of life. All animals in the wild need to know how to defend themselves. Delegating self-defense always has its drawback. People should be armed and know how to defend themselves.

The better armed and trained people of a given region are, the smaller the incentives for governments and despots to try to gain control over that region. I'm not saying governments couldn't totally destroy those regions but then there would be no one to take control of, no one to take advantage of. Governments and despots always have it easier with defenseless people.

Securing Life, Liberty, And Property With Blockchain Technology!

I'm all for peace and the dissolution of current governments [1] [2], for a future where fiat currencies have become irrelevant and where governments and companies as we know them today have been replaced by blockchain based one.

If Bitcoin's price continues to rise at the rate it has over the past 3 years, then in the next 2-3 years people would seriously begin to question fiat currencies' future, possibly causing a total meltdown of the old and outdated financial system.

Hyperbitcoinization or Steemization or cryptolization are very real possibilities with stronger rationals than most realize. I'll get back to those rationals and economic forces in an upcoming post.

The Podium I've Missed!

I once won a podium but because I didn't carefully check the ranking, I didn't realize I had placed first in my age category while finishing 14th overall. This was at the 2016 Montreal half-marathon where I always dreamt to make it to the podium and thought it seemed impossible. It was far from my best race finishing in 1:19 sharp.

I've only realized I made it to the podium when a month or so later I received this trophy in the mail! What a bummer! I couldn't even be there to salute those stranger when they so needed me!


A Return On My 4 Most Recent Posts!

I wish I went at some of the subjects those posts talked about, in a more careful way than what I did. We can always improve and that's what I'm striving for.

For one, I think it would have been more responsible to ask witness privately whether they support some sort of witness vote decay or renewal, when would they want to see such a feature added and if they are doing anything to make it happen. I'm still considering doing it. I've also corrected some incorrect statements I've made.

I can easily understand why some people felt like some of my recommendations felt clumsy at best and illogical at worst. I sincerely apologize to those who felt this way and I understand and agree I should have known better.

In regard to some of the disagreements I've expressed toward some actions of some Steemit employees, even though I stand my ground on those disagreements, it doesn't mean I don't respect those people or that I don't look forward to meeting them. As long as people are non-violent, I respect them.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions and from disagreement sometimes spring great insights. So I've reached out to them privately and let them know that even though we might fundamentally disagree on some stuff, I look forward to meeting them and if the chance presents itself, shake their hands and if they'd prefer not too that's fine too...

And now it's gym time for me!

Meet me at SteemFest 2018 in Kraków

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Wow much run, very impress.

Old meme dude!

Doge never dies! It transcends time!

I'm not as fast and endurant as most Doge though! :P

Hi frends

greetings from Indonesia Aceh

Hello man, why did you making power down?:

So when you got here, you preached Steem and crypto far and wide like a priest does about the the all knowing god he serves, until you got a big delegation. After that you decided to go around the world with some chick, use the delegation as a funding for your trips through travel posts, and now after losing delegation are hoping to receive it back by pushing yourself REALLY hard on trending?

And how grateful you are, for getting to 65k and powering down to 11k. I do hope you realise how you and your actions look like after all this. You're in it just for the money, but that's Steem in a nutshell for most, right?

Hi! I'm sorry that you feel this way. Steem is a great technology that has a lot going for itself, it also as a lot of great challenges just like any new tech.

The girl you are refering to is @karensuestudios. I met her on Steem and she has had a tremendously positive impact on my life. I gave her 50% of all the post we did together which I didn't have to.

I gave away most of the delegation I receive going for long bouts without posting while also posting huge posts at some point which was clearly not maximizing my return. Most people that were thre back then can easily attest to that.

There's people I wish I would have voted less or not at all. The past is past and I can't do anything about it.

The day I lost the delegation I had intended to post the post I didt. The post was already ready to go when I lost the delegation.

My advices to the community are sincere and wI feel they were recognized as such by the majority of the Steem community.

Buying votes has its plus and minuses. I can't decide what is the perception others have of me and I can only influence them to the best of my abilities.

I'm very grateful for everything I was given in life and I'm making sure to let the people around me know about it!

I invite you to go read my post entitled thank you Dan Larimer. Just google it to find it. It's constituted of around 80% of quotes from the founder and gives a good overview of his intentions and the philosophy of Steem.

You could also read his latest 2 posts on his medium account. These resume his updated views. I've linked them in the OP. I share those views and it's probably safe to say that the person that was delegating to me also most probably share most of those views as they are working on EOS with Dan.

There also a lot more to say about the whole situation in regard to how Dan sees Steem nowadays and what he has shared publically about it...

Upvoted your comment for the visibility.

No problem, I'm just telling how it might seem to some people, me included. Once you lost delegation, suddenly you're again highly involved in Steem through posting, before that you just decided to travel around while you had the delegation and I personally thought what a disappointment. Because you certainly can write and convey messages and have the motivation for it, when lacking delegation at least ;)

I hope all the best for you, but perhaps space out your posting, it always looks a bit pushy when one person starts filling the trending, no matter the circumstances or motives.

Is this envy? Why do you take the most negative version of human nature to consider?

How is it negative, we all need money to survive. Some people are more intelligent and more capable, they can see what roles pay the most and can take advantage of it and adopt when things change. Here's just another clear example of that reality we exist in. The behavior of teamsteem has varied highly, but you can read all that from my first post already and I'm not going over that again.

But if you want to believe otherwise, you're more than free to do so.

You lookin’ fit mannn! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯

i'm weak in sports. (
always and everywhere I strive to be a leader, but sport is failing me :(

You look more fit than 80% of Americans here haha

Thanks! You're looking very fit too!

pretty boy. great cardio 💯

😂 🤣 😂

Kinda, I'm going to step it up this month lol

:) Well, we can disagree on a few things from time to time, but I enjoy this side of you much more....

Yeah! I love to think I'm not always bad at everything I'm trying. I'd figure most would appreciate this follow up!


This post is a clear attack on the city of Bangkok and shouldn't be allowed 😁

Hahaha! You gave me a good laugh!

Insane run @teamsteem, I run myself but I find it hard to run under 5 minutes per km for more than 3.
Do you have an eating schedule as well?
What do you take before a race?

This post has received a 6.25% upvote from @kennybrown!

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You are doing great bud. Its inspiring

Nice, stay active and HODL crypto.


A wild Pikachu appears!



Magikarp uses Splash




Nothing happens!


Wow! Awesome!

Life is exactly that @teamsteem it's not the winning it's the participating that enriches us in ways we can only understand as experience and winning is a bonus best of luck for race and hope you have a great time :)

come to Phuket to train a bit. I show you around.

Woah that sounds awesome! I'll go visit you with pleasure. Should I contact you on discord?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Sure. MrFlip#3761 is my Name there.

I think you are mad but in a nice way.
1hr 17 mts for half marathon is par excellence.

Haha! Yeah, it's quite a pace!

Dang! Looking good! I hope I can one day run that much hehe.


Well, you’ve inspired me to start my day with some exercise, thanks for that. I think people are already starting to question fiat currency just by the knowledge that cryptocurrency exists. Whether or not they use it is another question, but I think they will. The seeds have already been planted.

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I've been in all kind of sports whole my life but I never tried a marathon. My friend runs it and she is the best in the country and I know how tough you have to be and how hard it is. I hope you're going to break your record.

As for martial arts, if you're into self-defense then my suggestion is to try Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I practiced it a bit and it's really amazing to know how to defend yourself against bigger opponents. Your whole body and your mind work while you're sparring. It's really something that I suggest to everyone to try it.

As for crypto, I will just say Crypto will prevail :) Time is our only enemy, I believe so and we just need to be active in supporting cryptocurrency and sharing the truth about his monetary system that is killing us.

Have a great day brother, I really need a good post right now and you delivered! Peace out!

I don't think I want to ever put in the effort to run a marathon. Not worth it just to say that I've done a marathon before. I much prefer running in moderation.

sharing the truth about his monetary system that is killing us.

Yes indeed! Wacka-Science! :P

hahaha wacka!!! :D That always puts smile on my face :)

How long before you start this run or exercise? Good to know that you take care of your health. Join to #actifit. (^_^) I love to see your other side. Keep on smiling and be happy! It gives me joy to my heart to see your sweet smile and doing some activity.

I noticed you're without your beard :D - you look younger and handsome though.

Thank you very much!

You're welcome

Thanks so much!!!

Following. Will witness you too...

I really want to start training....thank you for this post

This post has received a 30.00% upvote from @amayahaley21!
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Running is the best exercise for whole body. Nice to see you are a runner .

please visit my page, i have some photos of my short trips in the villages around my city,
If possible for you, Vote me please.
Thanks a lot

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Oh look. You’re on the trending page again.

Probably with some help from vote bots.

That happiness in your face. That is very Inspirating.
Good work my friend.

Woow man... you look so much younger than in your profile Pic, had to check it twice to see if was you. I don't know you in person but I thought you was older because of that Profil Pic, maybe you are... what are you drinking? :)

Congrats for that Demi-Marathon Trophy!

Great !!!
I hope that November month is spectacular.
And in India also, on the 7th Nov. is Diwali (India's Biggest Festival). So everything is going well.
Happy Diwali To ALL

Happy Diwali! I had never heard of that before! It's interesting!


sir you are on trending page again waoo


interesting video

Video? What video?

BEST OF LUCK to you in the half marathon.

Good luck with half-marathon in bkk.

Wow you're coming to Bangkok! I wouldn't mind cheering you on for the Bangkok half marathon on the 18th! However, I'll be sitting my last written MBA exam that morning (09:00-13:30). It's a shame, but don't mind meet up the day before or on the day after your race. 😊 Whatever suits you. There is another Steemian that I'm sure would love to meet you... @waybeyondpadthai

Hahaa thanks Sam 🙈

@teamsteem, sorry to see you have less Steem Power.
Your level lowered and you are now a Minnow!
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You got this, keep up the good work!!
Plzz support guys follow & up vote me..🙏

you believe in next decade cryptos will adopted massively, that is hypercryptobitcosteemization?

Thank you for your interest! I invinte you to read the post link to hyperbitcoinization and learn about crypto in general.


Posted using Partiko Android


Posted using Partiko Android

Great work. Very fit too.

Great post. Nice run, btw.

Congratulations @teamsteem!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 1 with $ 447,94

Hey @TeamSteem, great to see things still going well for you!

I'm good indeed! I'm glad you enjoyed the post and to know you're doing well too! I should get back to your show soon. That would be a lot of fun!

Hey, your blog is very interesting. keep it up. and follow and upvote my content because m new on steem

so fast man...

This is excellent to see! Puts most of us to shame.

Coconuts will never be safe around you again ;)

I respect the way you pushed @justabystander's comment as high as you could. That kinda says it all really.

My personal feeling is that you have been a great inspiration here on Steemit and the way you choose to live your life is not for other people to judge... though they will always try.

Looking forward to some great content from you.

nada como estar en forma tanto mental como fisicamente!!

can't run more than 1km without knee pain at the moment :(

muy buen posts amigo

Amazing, this is great! I'm new here

well....your journey is really so inspiring....!and the most amaging thing is you looking after the world being busy..ha ha ha........ nice job busy man.

muy buen articulo amigo felicitaciones :)

Nice to catch up on what you are excited about, that's some really awesome half marathon times!

Although not directly related to vote decay, i did an analysis the other day on how 'inactive' witness votes would affect the tables. And the answer is not much. I think we have a few more years to go until the likes of vote decay might change things somewhat.

See you next week :D

Thanks for this input Asher! I really appreciate. Having no witness voting decay or renewal leaves the door open for very undesirable outcomes current and future.

See you there! It's going to be epic!

I wish I could lose weight that easy

this is great and interesting to know about any campain

You are truly extraordinary

Thank you very much! So are you!

I literally will just be waiting somewhere but you have fun !! 🙈🐒

Great to see you..

:)) Well,. we can disagree on a few things from time to time, but I enjoy this side of you much more......

My steemit freand,
You look fit and handsome💪

Hi, @teamsteem!

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Wow amazing very impress

Posted using Partiko Android

wow, dear i like you hard work and i told you one day achive your success. nice post

I love how some think this is crazy🤪 to be the best you've got to do what it takes 🌿🔥 keep up the great content!

I love how some think this is crazy🤪 to be the best you've got to do what it takes 🌿🔥 keep up the great content!

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That's a side I never knew about you, well done ! Marathon, martial arts, you need to check @actifit :)


I am a community manager at Snax. We are trying to make public blockchain based on EOS node. Snax chain will provide transactions over social networks, token supply based on user social influence.

Snax as well as Steemit rewards its users for the content created, but Snax works as overlay solution over existing social networks (e.g. Twitter)

We have no ICO. We already have a testnet, mainnet will be launched this month, and we currently looking for great candidates for Block Producers like yourself. You can find out more about us at our website

If our project is interesting for you, please let me know by emailing me at [email protected] or message me on steem chat.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and keep rocking this world!

Fair play buddy, I used to run a lot myself until I had an accident, keep it up

@teamsteem you are looking good and fit but what about me. Believe That!!!

Nice work. Keep being active.

Looking good dude.

Awesome post. Nice run too.

I always see your post..
Your post very good.

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Even your smile looks stoked..Lol
You've got an interesting life. Keep it up. And thanks for sharing, got some inspiration.

Best of luck with the training. And as for steem, we can never please 100% of the people. Dont worry about shit thats happened. Afterall we are all batting for the same team (or crypro)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks Paula! Your kind words are seriously welcomed!!!!

That is tough to get the training in with all the traveling you have been doing and probably the meals are hit and miss but you can do it man! Sometimes a great result can come when you least expect it!

Running a marathon or half marathon is impressive. I wonder how the body adapts to prepare for this? How did you progress from running your first mile, to running a few miles, to running and not getting tired?

Muchísimas gracias por estas increibles faucets pra ganar bitcoins. Esta aplicación se muestra en Whatsapp pero que pagan for usela y mucho más y un buscador que por cada busqueda dan criptomonedas.

Aplicación Wowapp
Buscador descentralizado

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You got this, keep up the good work!!

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Mr @teamsteem, @hangin just told me that you are on the way up to Chiang Mai. How long are you here for? Give me a shout if you to meet up

Sure! Let's meet Tuesday or in the next 2 days! I'll message you when I wake up. Contact me on discord or twitter or facebook. Search teamsteem

I don't know if you messaged me but I haven't seen anything.

Hiya mate, I sent you a message on your teamsteem facebook page last night. It might be in your 'others' folder as we don't have any mutual friends

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I follow you on steemit.

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Hi ,friends! let's flow each other

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