all steemian friends, this time I want to share about the secret of prayer time distance from fingers.
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why the distance of prayer time for Muslims differ is different God has planned a fan of wisdom from all that.
the first is dawn. If you want to be honest, it is actually dawn that helps us to be able to start our activities early, so that all the preparation activities become more perfect. the second is the dzuhur time.
The length of the distance between the dawn and the dhuhur, in fact should be able to make us realize that God is very tolerant of our activities, so do not be heavy heart if God asks our time to pray at our rest (Dzuhur time).
The third time ashar. After we continue the activity after istrahat, God also does not bother us until the time we finish our activities / work. So do not be too heavy if God asks our time to pray Ashar.
The fourth time in sunset. And when we have arrived at home and gathered with family in time of sunset. Are we still reluctant to prostrate to God? Though God has kindly provided a relaxing time with the family we love. the last time Isya.
At the end of this time, will not we be taught by Allah how to end the activity with good (sholat isya)? Do not we also do not know if our eyes will open again or not.
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