
in busy •  7 years ago 

Real Life Experience Of Fear by A Female Friend

The evenings had come. Every body was silent in their rooms. We all had a quite night but the weather was really cool. I decided to study for a while. I had examinations the following week and i needed to prepare myself for it. I didn't know when the sleep came. I believe it was the hot merciless whether that overtook me to fall asleep. I had my head lean at one side of the room and my feet on my bed. I was feeling great as i fell deeper into my sleep.

The previous week had been a bad week for me. I have had this persistent dream of mine which i never understood. For every time my eyes shut in my room, i see snakes coming from deep pits in my house. The exam had made me forget about this unhappy and scary dreams that i have been having. Without prayer and any preparation towards the following morning, i had fallen asleep. It was just a minute past 2:00 am and i startled from my room. I hurriedly run from the room as i was having a nightmare. It felt so real that i couldn't go back into the room. It was by grace that i had my phone on me as i run out of the room. I quickly called my boyfriend 10 times who was deep asleep. I couldnt reach him and had no where to go and no one to comfort.

This time around, the dream i had was of a python with a red eye which starred into my eyes as i run away from the room. It was as though the snake was real and my bother couldn't hold the fear within. I was shaking and panting as if i had ran a 100 m race. What will i do now? I went to a neighbors door and called him to tell him about what was going on. I was so scared. My next door neighbor was asleep and couldn't do much. All he said was, what is wrong? He felt as if i was just playing as it was unusual for an adult to feel such a way. He asked me whether i could sleep alone after comforting me. The fear was still in me and i couldn't answer him. I believe he must have been bored to have to nurse a 23 year old woman that night. He accompanied me to my room where I took a pillow and some text books to learn in his room. I wasn't happy going to sleep in a neighbors room but what can i do. Fear has taken away my choices and i was left with nothing than to follow him to the room.

This is how fear can grasp anybody at all in this world. No matter how strong you might be, how bold and brave you seem to be, fear is a powerful enemy which cannot be underestimated. The effects of fear are numerous and i will highlight but a few in this real life experience of my friend.

  1. Fear took away her comfort and happiness from her. We all love sleeping in our rooms. But the fear of being attacked by a snake which was even in a dream overwhelmed her. She had to settle to sleep in a less comfortable place for the night.

  2. Fear exposes you to danger. You might not know how dangerous fear can be. On an eleven storey building, a woman jumped out of her window because she believed there was a gun man in the room. It was just a hallucination during withdrawal from Cocaine. The fear actually killed her. In the case of my friend, she could have been a prey to rape or murder should the next door neighbour had been a bad person. Also, she could easily find comfort in the arms of a stranger who might be a murderer.

  3. Fear destroys progress. We all have our fears. I personally am a good student and have never feared examination in my whole entire life. I once failed a paper after i had completed my senior high school and ever since that failure, examination has been one of my most fearful moments in life. The fear of failing again seems to trouble me more and as such destroys my concentration to even learn sometimes.

  4. Fear kills dreams. We all fail to do the impossible because of fear of failure. I had a dream to become an IT specialist when i was growing up. I knew i would be working with computers but i never knew how it would be. My mind was made up from childhood where i was been shielded from the reality of life. When i grew of age to decide, the odds of surviving as an IT specialist was low and as such i had to choose the most promising odd. That is to become a health worker. I settled for something that i have no passion for because of fear of failure. Failure to make ends meet. The fear killed my dream.


The effects of fear are many and in summary, i will say fear zeroes ones life. Don't let fear overcome you. Be fearless and the world will bow before you. Watch out for my next dose of fear which teaches how to overcome your fears. This is a real life experience episode. Be inspired.

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Fear indeed is a bad thing. Anything you fear has already happen and that is the more reason we shouldn't entertain it but deal with it any way we can. It is destructive and evil. Nice writing full of lessons, well done general @tj4real


Fear can age you. It's the number one dream killer and there's going to be little progress in life as long as we tread with fear in all our activities. This is a really insightful message.

Fear makes us derail from humanity. .

Yes no one in this life has nothing to fear,even the richest one is afraid of murder. I have mine too

সন্ধ্যায় এসেছিল। প্রতিটি লাশ তাদের কক্ষগুলোতে নীরব ছিল। আমরা সব একটি রাতে ছিল কিন্তু আবহাওয়া সত্যিই শীতল ছিল। আমি কিছু সময়ের জন্য অধ্যয়ন করার সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছে। আমি পরের সপ্তাহের পরীক্ষা ছিল এবং আমি এটি জন্য নিজেকে প্রস্তুত করতে প্রয়োজন। ঘুম আসা যখন আমি জানি না। আমি এটা ঘুমিয়ে পড়তে আমাকে overtook কিনা গরম গরম ছিল বিশ্বাস। আমি আমার মাথা আমার বিছানা একপাশে একপাশে এবং আমার পায়ের উপর আমার প্যান্ট ছিল আমি আমার ঘুমের মধ্যে গভীর পতন হিসাবে আমি মহান অনুভূতি ছিল।

Don't pretend to serve the world until you become sufficient enough to serve yourself.
The fear is the most basic natural emotion. It isn't necessary to be totally get rid of from fear. Fear itself as some tremendous in-built programming which make us alert to go for experimenting.
Without fear, we would be ruthless but not brave.