Why Butts are Better than Breasts: A Witty Guide

in buts •  2 years ago 

When it comes to body parts, people often have their preferences. Some people prefer a toned stomach, while others prefer a nice set of legs. But what about butts versus breasts? It's time to settle the debate once and for all. Here's why butts are better than breasts, in a funny and witty way. Butts are More Versatile Let's face it, breasts are pretty limited when it comes to options. You can wear a bra, or you can go without. But butts? Butts have so many more options. You can wear a thong, a bikini bottom, a pair of shorts, or even a nice pair of jeans. The possibilities are endless!
Butts are More Fun to Look At
There's no denying it, butts are more fun to look at than breasts. Breasts are often covered up, while butts are usually out in the open. Plus, butts come in all shapes and sizes, making them even more interesting to look at.
Butts are More Fun to Touch
Let's be honest, butts are much more fun to touch than breasts. Breasts can be soft and delicate, but butts are usually firmer and more responsive to the touch. Plus, butts are just more fun to squeeze and caress.
Butts are More Fun to Play With
When it comes to playing around, butts are definitely the way to go. Breasts can be fun to play with, but butts are much more fun. You can give them a nice spanking, or even play a game of tag. The possibilities are endless!
Butts are More Comfortable
When it comes to comfort, butts win hands down. Breasts can be uncomfortable, especially when they are confined in a bra. But butts are usually free and unrestricted, making them much more comfortable to wear.
Butts are More Fun to Talk About
Let's be honest, talking about butts is much more fun than talking about breasts. Breasts can be a bit of a sensitive topic, while butts are usually a bit more lighthearted and fun. Plus, there are so many funny jokes and puns about butts that you can never get bored.
So there you have it, butts are definitely better than breasts. From being more versatile to being more comfortable, butts have a lot to offer. Plus, they are just more fun to look at, touch, play with, and talk about. So the next time you're debating body parts, remember that butts are the clear winner!
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