Hey what's going on everyone this is Jonah here from jonoarmstrong.com Welcome to my EM Pro Tools review.
Now, I'm here inside of the dashboard of this cloud-based EM Pro Tools app during this review I'm going to give you a full demo and run-through of exactly what this does in a nutshell this app works alongside your email list so it integrates with Aweber GetResponse and MailChimp so it is going to presume that you already have started building some kind of email list okay what it does is it allows you it's really cool up Ashley I was blown away when I went through and started reviewing this it allows you to increase your open rates and your click rates and it does it in a very very clever way and it takes away all the technicalities of you having to do this on your own now the benefits for you is if you can increase your open rates and your click rates you have the potential of making even more sales because you've got even more people to see your emails open your emails and click your emails now the standard open rate in my niche which is the make money online niche is around 8 to 10 percent okay open race click races around one or two percent which is pretty bad considering you know you have a hundred percent of that spectrum to deal with and you're only getting 8 percent of those people to actually open so if you could get 20 percent of those people to open or 30 percent of those people to open you've just opened you've just got that many more sales potential sales through the door so it's a really useful app to have for all of us email marketers and as you know our email list is our asset so though if we can find any way to maximize that asset we can make it even more money and this is why I'm recommending that you pick this up whether you have an email list yet or you're just starting to build one this is going to be essential in you maximizing your money so that's exactly what it does if you're interested in picking this up if it sounds like something that is of interest to you then stick with me I'll be opening up all of these little widgets on the side and showing you what they do I've also put together a ton of custom bonuses for those of you likes to pick this up by my link which is down below in the description of this YouTube video so if you're watching from YouTube and you click on that link you'll come through to this page right here okay this is my bonus page for Ian Pro Tools if you come through to this page from my email list you're already on this page that's cool all you need to do at any time if you want to pick this up via this page is simply scroll down click on any of these yellow buttons that's going to take you through to the sales page which looks like there is this come grab it please open here we go okay so the sales page is gonna look like this okay and if you want to buy this at any time all you need to do is come to this sales page scroll down and click on this Buy button to pick this up but you'll need to do that before the countdown timer on my bonus page runs out because when it does my bonuses will expire okay this page will really explain so all my bonuses and that is something that I really don't want you to miss out on because I've created all of these super cool bonuses on my own okay now these are all exclusive to me because I've created them by myself but feel free to shop around see what other affiliates are offering in terms of bonuses for e/m Pro Tools because remember you can always come back to this page via this YouTube video if you're watching on YouTube on my email once you've realized that my bonus is a way more useful and helpful and more helpful and better than what any other affiliates are offering for this so my first bonus right here I'm going to show you how to build a huge list superfast using this cost I like that I the me and Brendan released I did all the training for this and we launched it back in September or cases it's relatively new this is revealing the secrets that I use to build my list okay and it's using it's not using solo ads it's using something that is even more powerful and cheaper than solo ads and I'm showing you some other hacks inside of here that you can use to maximize and get as many subscribers into your email list in the fastest possible time so this is going to be really useful for you and that's bonus number one number two I'm gonna show you how you can build a professional squeeze page if you don't know what squeeze pages it's a page that you use to collect email addresses and names and those email addresses and names go through onto your autoresponder so you can build up that email list it all starts with this page so I'm going to show you how to do it the right way and the cheapest way without using any expensive tools it's pretty much free okay to do this using the way that I show you here bonus number three I'm gonna show you how you can get amazing click rates now this is something that I've started doing in my emails over the past six months and I saw my click rates go up and up and up okay now the industry standard for click rates is around 1% I'm getting at least 3 to 4 percent ok so that's how I'm able to maximize this this together with with e/m Pro Tools is really gonna help you out bonus number far I'm gonna show you how you can make a pro campaign from start to finish okay starting from the very beginning if you campaign all the way up to writing all those emails and everything that you need to do in between ok this is the the same thing that I stick to on every campaign that I make and I know this is really gonna have to be helpful to you bonus number 5 I'm gonna give you access to all the bonuses that vendor has given to me to give to you guys now I'm guessing that these bonuses alone is what most of their affiliates are going to be offering to you for the impro tools however I've gone over and above that by offering you four of my own custom-made bonuses that I made myself but just to make sure that you're not gonna miss out if you do choose to buy by a my link because you've seen these bonuses elsewhere I'm gonna be throwing these in as well now these are going to include 6424 leads $10,000 case study you're also gonna get extreme list building plugin feel free to pause the video if you want to read through the descriptions here you're gonna get 30 day done for you all to respond to series that's pretty cool okay you're gonna hit WP email timer plus this is really cool I use timers in my emails and they really help you're gonna get million dollar copy you're gonna get responsive mailing lists you're gonna get email list management secrets you're gonna get product email you're gonna get list building with stories you know 10k blueprint a hundred split tests evergreen internet profits okay so you can see there's a ton of super congruent nice bonuses from the vendor which you're also gonna get especially these this 30-day done-for-you autoresponder series that is really going to help you out I do suggest that you don't straight to copy and paste these emails you go and put your own spin on them and make them unique but still it's those are some great bonuses right there right to claim all of these bonuses a hundred percent free of charge and instantly delivered to you all you need to do first of all if you're watching on youtube click on the link down below in the description of this video come through to this page right here if you're watching from my email as you come through you're already beyond this page that's cool scroll down click on any of these yellow buttons to go through to the sales page and purchase e/m pro tools as soon as you've done that you'd simply need to go through to your warrior Plus account okay in the top right hand side you're going to see a little red button with your user name on it click on there click on purchase history then click on am pro tools and you'll come through to a receipt page it looks something like this where you'll find a blue button on that page it says access affiliate bonus now that's where all of these vendor bonuses and all of my custom bonuses are going to be waiting for you instantly a hundred percent free of charge as soon as you've gone through checkout okay so if you do click on any of these yellow buttons you come through this sales page right if you're not using the new behavior based segmentation in your marketing you are losing 70 percent of the money and incredible and incredible automation benefits explode your email profits opens and clicks with this new behavior based segmentation technology that was never released before yeah and it hasn't ever been released before I've never seen anything like this plus revive dead leads maintained list for longer double and triple your existing profits and enjoy your art and enjoy more automation even tiny lists produce amazing results with this yeah because you're getting more open rates more click racing essentially more sales what shall we get mammoth amounts of opens and clicks sales with this beast revolutionary email technology that works for you 24/7 reduced lists burn revive dead leads and an extend list life explode your opens and clicks without changing your marketing style or learning anything yeah it's super simple to use reduce compliance and unsubscribe drastically and forever yep email marketing is king we make X X for every X we invest in our email thanks to this tech yeah you can make a ton of money from email I can show you actually some of my results that I've got over the past few days purely with email marketing now I'm coming to the end of my campaign right now so the results and brilliant but still super pleasing but as you can see over the past one two three four over the past five days from email marketing I've made almost nine thousand dollars with one email marketing campaigns so it's absolutely true the money is in the list is the sooner you get building one and you start utilizing it the sooner you can get these kind of results you can see the first day of my campaign I made almost five thousand dollars in the first 12 hours so super powerful stuff and it can work for you really well okay back to the sales page what I'm looking for here is some evidence of their open and click rates right here no okay this is just the comparison of email I did see one of the guys demo videos where he showed his open race and his click rates and it was pretty astonishing if I can find I think it's in one of these one of these videos on there so you'll have to go and watch it but basically was getting thirty to forty percent open race which is pretty much unheard of in this industry and is showing you a live demo a live walkthrough actually what I'll do is I'll put it on my bonus page which you can access by the link down below or if you're watching this video on my bonus page scroll down and you'll be able to watch that exact video here right this is going to show you the open race and the click race that he was guessing which is crazy okay anyway the sales page is going to be live as of a.m.
Eastern Standard Time on the 30th of January so if you want to come and check out this sales page you'll need to come back then it won't be live until that time okay so coming back here on the 30th of January at 10 a.m. Eastern summer time come check out this sales page in your own time I'm gonna jump into the app now and I'm going to show you what this does so first of all once you land on the app you're going to be inside the settings page right here so depending on which autoresponder you're using you'll be able to set it up here so you have the options of using Aweber GetResponse or MailChimp okay I'm using get responsive already activated this and as you can see all of my lists inside here once you've done that you can go into the segmentation tasks now what this is going to do if you click on here it's going to start segmenting your list it's going to segment your lists on based on the subscribers that click the most the subscribers that open the most and then the subscribers that don't really interact with your emails anymore it's going to segment them into different lists now what you're going to be able to do with this later on and this is going to increase your open rates in your click rates is you can choose to send to only the open rates list only the click rates lists or only the kind of inactive lists now obviously if you send this to all of these subscribers that are that are regularly open in your emails your open rates are going to go through the roof and the same with the click the clicky dudes okay they're gonna click on your you're gonna open your emails I'm gonna click on your emails so this is a good start now it doesn't end there okay it doesn't end there at all the end the next thing that you can do is you can click on this campaigns tab here and you can go and create a new campaign inside of get response now this is gonna chew you're gonna you're gonna be able to choose the main list that you're going to be sending this to you can choose a message inside of get response that you've proved pre-made case for very example this one so send message to all subscribers or you can as you can send them to it that certain segment that we talked about just before the clickers the opens the non opens or you can set up custom tags as well and then you choose the list that you want them one is to go through two so you can choose all lists and you can exclude some subscribers from some lists if you want to do that you can schedule the mail to go out directly from inside of here by choosing the date and time and then this is the really cool part okay scheduled broadcast for unopen so if you put that on what you're going to be able to do is resend that email out to people that don't open the original email okay now that is going to give you more bang for your buck in that particular email so for example we scheduled an email that says how to how to make $200 a day that's the headline that email goes out now say out of a hundred people on that list thirty people open it okay 70 people don't open it these 70 people if we use this function right here are going to be resent that exact same email after a designated amount of time so they get some that email against let's say 50 of those 70 people open so altogether for that one email we've had 70 people open it and 30 people not open it which is like a 70 percent open rate so that's how it maximizes it by doing this so you can you can choose to send the same message you can change the subject line here which is super super super good for especially for gain inbox because if your autoresponder sees that you're sending the exact same subject line and the same copy multiple times is going to it's going to lower your inbox in okay so if you change the subject line here that is going to be super super good this is a tool that I'm going to be using in all of my emails from now on okay so you have the ability to change the subject line and you also have the ability to select another message which you could do but then you've got to go and write another message I suggest you just do this okay you can use campaign tracking for follow-ups and then you name your campaign you give it a label and then you just submit it and then up now what it'll do is it will go and send out that original email at the scheduled time and then excuse the noise it's it's pretty hustle and bustle here at this time in the morning in Jakarta we've got all these independent sellers going past and they're really loud so I apologize for that so it will go and send out that it will go and send out that original email that you've scheduled tea and then it will go and send out additional emails to the people that don't open that original one which will in turn increase your open rates okay so you've done that you click Submit and then over here in the follow-up section okay you go and choose your provider and I'm using get response you go and choose your campaign here which you've set up inside of the campaign's tab and then this will go and it will go and set up follow-up messages for those messages it's different from it's different from the unopened okay this will go and send follow-up message to the people who both opened it and didn't unopen it so if you are making a campaign for a product that you're promoting you might have kind of five or six emails lined up to send for that campaign duration right you can go and schedule all of those inside of here and and set those set those emails to follow-up one after the other inside of here okay smart links this is to do with link tracking I'm not going to go into too much detail but basically it's going to allow you to track the people that click on your links and see when they've come from and stuff like that cleanup tasks let me just click on that I didn't really go into too much detail on this but yeah I'm not going to click on X I'm not quite sure what it does okay remove unsubscribed pretty self-explanatory duplicate subscribers this is pretty cool so you've gone to select the list now this does take take quite a while - excuse me does take quite a while to load up but basically what it's going to do is sometimes especially if you're launching products you might have these cereal buyers right they might buy your product from last month they might pay the product that you launched this month the product that you launch next month using the same email now every time I launch a product I make a separate list inside of my get response so some of my lists in here they might have the same buyer who's bought kind of five of my products they're going to be on five of my lists at the same time so in order to increase your open rate you know get response takes all of this into account when they when they calculate your open rate you need to make sure that you are removing those duplicates subscribers from all of your lists and you're just having them on one list so to do that you can do that inside of am Pro Tools and that's again something that's going to increase your open rates and click rates you can and also what you can do is you can delete subscribers if you want you can remove unsubscribe to people so it's not going to damage your open rates as well I think inside of cleanup tasks you go inside of here let me just click on this okay so what you do is you go and select all the list that you want to clean up and what this will do is it will go and find subscribers that haven't engaged with your emails over a certain designated amount of months which you can specify here so for example in three months if there's a subscriber that hasn't opened any of my emails and three months hasn't clicked on any my emails in three months then you can use this to either delete those subscribers or you can delete those subscribers from the list above and you can send them over to a new list which you could call inactive or something so you fill that list up instead of deleting those subscribers you fill this list up with inactive subscribers which you can try and revive later on if you want but either way as long as you're not broadcasting to these inactive subscribers this is another thing that is going to make your open rates go up because you're removing those people that don't open your emails right so that's another super cool feature here downloads this is going to enable you to export all of your leads again this is going to take some time depending on how big your list is okay super super cool I am gonna be using this in my business right now and I strongly suggest that if you are building any kind of email list if you already have one or if you're seriously looking at building up some some email lists you get hold of this during the launch period while it's still cheap even if you're not going to use it straight away it's something that's going to come in handy for sure if you're doing any kind of email marketing now you also get access to the tutorials inside of here so if you get stuck this is going to show you what you need to do to get started what you need to do with the unopened strategy the broadcast strategy the broadcast with mailing unopened strategy from MailChimp list segmentation segmentation strategy smart links module cleanup tasks delete subscribers deleted subscribers menu you're going to get all of these tutorial videos in there if you need further explanation about how to do everything in detail so they've got you covered there great software right as far as the prices and the upsells are concerned everything that I just showed you inside of eeehm Pro Tools is going to cost forty seven dollars if you pick this up in the launch pod which is going to be from the 30th of January up until around the 6th of February ok this is going to be available for forty seven dollars now like I said even if you don't have an email list yet if you're seriously considering making any kind of online business you do need to have a an email list okay whether you do an econ whether you do an affiliate marketing whether you're doing Amazon whatever it is that you do and you need to be building up an email list so if you don't have an email list yet I still recommend that you pick this up and just save it for later on and get it while it's still 47 dollars if you already have an email list definitely pick this up you're going to be able to maximize it and make more sales ultimately because you're increasing your open rates click rates alright it is going to go up to 67 dollars towards the end of the launch which I said will be around the 6th or 7th of February so make sure you pick it up to save yourself an additional 20 bucks ok oops on number 1 is $67 now this is the Ultimate Edition you get more advanced features to get the best out of your email list reduce your autoresponder monthly fees and maintain the quality so you're going to get automatic remove duplicate subscribers from multiple lists remove on removal of non active subscribers move nan up to subscribers to a separate list automatic removal and subscribers and download a list of deleted subscribers so I guess this is something that you're not going to be able to access on the front end I walked you through this just before so this is going to be the segmentation tasks that's going to be included in the first upsell that's not going to be included it's not going to be included in the front end ok so if you want that flexibility you are gonna have to get the first upgrade I definitely recommend that you get that ok it's gonna save you so much time doing it all manually inside of your autoresponder oops on number 2 is email pro tool smart links is $67 this is the smart links feature that I showed you inside that I didn't really understand what it was ok this is one I call his features it allows you to move copy to different lists with untag subscribers when they click a link inside their emails automatic tagging based on subscribers opens and clicks automatic move copy subscribers based on the link click automatic set next legacy follow-up based based on the link click delayed apply tagged segments abusers controlling legacy follow-up series controller full of messages mail I think this is really advanced stuff and honestly is something that I'm not gonna ever be using so I don't really think you need to pick up this second upsell okay it's up to you but I just don't think you're gonna need it I'm not gonna need it so I don't see why you would up salamba 3m Pro Tools agencies $197 this is going to allow you to okay this is going to be a license rights and it's gonna allow you to manage other people's email addres lists okay so you could gone with if you bother right the first thing you could do is send your traffic to this exact sales page and you would get a get to keep a hundred percent of the profits from all of these price points which is pretty cool I mean if you bought this for under 97 you can easily make your money back with a couple of sales and it's also going to allow you to go to places like Fiverr and upwork and manage other people's email accounts okay so you could put a gig on Fiverr saying I will manage your your email list I will make sure that you get increased open rates and click rates that is it's a juicy offer that a lot of email marketers would take you up on you could charge 60 $70 a month at least for that kind of service but you would need to have this agency license to be able to do that okay now don't forget there is also a demo on my bonus page which if you're watching from youtube click on the link down below in the description if you come through from my email you'll already be on this page simply scroll down and check out that video there because that's going to give you some evidence of what these what these guys are able to achieve in terms of open rates and click rates okay so go and check that video out also don't forget to check out my bonuses nobody else is gonna be offering your bonuses like this for this product I'm a hundred percent set and I've made all these bonuses myself because I really want you to succeed with email marketing and I know these are gonna help you out a lot so that's it for me I hope you enjoyed my eeehm pro tools review and I'll speak to you on the next one all the best take care buddy
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://automaticmonthlyincome.org/empro-tools-review-%e2%9a%a0%ef%b8%8f-warning-%e2%9a%a0%ef%b8%8f-dont-buy-em-pro-tools-without-my-%f0%9f%91%b7-custom-%f0%9f%91%b7-bonuses/
As found on Youtube
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://automaticmonthlyincome.org/empro-tools-review-%e2%9a%a0%ef%b8%8f-warning-%e2%9a%a0%ef%b8%8f-dont-buy-em-pro-tools-without-my-%f0%9f%91%b7-custom-%f0%9f%91%b7-bonuses/