XcelToken Exchange — is a fully functional, safe and secure crypto exchange, with the aim of changing the ecosystem of utility tokens around the world. XcelToken Exchange Trading platform is a Trusted and Transparent crypto exchange to buy and sell crypto assets like- XcelToken Plus.
XcelToken Exchange Benefits: Safe and Secure, Ease of use, 27/7 Support, High spending limit.
XcelToken exchange gives you amazing opportunities:
Trade Major cryptocurrency including our own XcelToken Plus (XLAB) — it’s an ERC-20 utility token based on the Ethereum Protocol developed with the latest in blockchain technology, experts from FinTech & Travel industries. Create a crypto trading account on XcelToken.com
Mr. Khadka, CEO of XcelTrip ecosystem, stated that “The utility token; XcelToken Plus, will enable the crypto community to use the token in their day to day transactions such as mobile recharge, travel and retail — few of the most important spheres that touch our lives on an everyday basis. So, having a token that allows you to transact in these spheres will enable cryptocurrencies to enter the realm of mainstream adoptions at a faster pace.”
Further to his previous statement Mr. Khadka, added “… we have a team of dedicated developers across India, Nepal and Singapore, who are working to ensure, the token and the platforms are built keeping in mind world-class standards, to make sure that the crypto-travelers and traders receive the best.” And this he says “will help increase the possibility of growing the cryptocurrency community and stabilizing the significance of utility tokens.”
The Easiest way to Buy and Sell XcelToken Plus is to log into XcelToken Exchange trading platform.