Medical Terpenes

in buyterpenes •  3 years ago 

It also has uh graphics showing um tastes and smells associated with it and most importantly what the reactions of consumers have been to it so again uh does it make you sleepy does it wake you up uh does it elevate mood um and uh this is experiential data from consumers Buy Terpenes and I think this kind of thing it can be presented in one page and it can be explained to people uh in a reasonable time frame how strong do you think the effect of suggestion is with cannabis because on the one hand um I personally agree with you that the way that terms like Indica and Sativa are used and applied is you know basically total nonsense in the industry on the other hand when you actually go and look at the consumer reviews and you know I’ve looked at hundreds of thousands of these what you tend to find is people say that the indicas are sleepier.

And so for my money what's happening is you know there's a huge dose-dependent effect there's a wide range of potential products out there with different ingredients that we don't know what they are so you walk into a dispensary someone says I want something to make me sleepy the budtender is going to say try an indica because indicas make you sleepy because we just True Terpenes believe that and then you just go home and consume it until you fall asleep and then you write a review saying it did, in fact, make you sleepy so there's this sort of loop that somehow needs to get broken yeah yeah that's valid um people can be really suggestible under the influence of cannabis.

If you want to sell the brooklyn bridge to somebody that may be one way to do it yeah again people can be steered in the direction of having an opinion that conforms to what they were told um yeah it's definitely it that's one reason that um formal randomized controlled studies of anything that's psychoactive affects the mind are very difficult just to give a parallel example most studies of antidepressants show them ineffective it's about a third of studies that actually show efficacy now the fda has a role that you can do any number of studies you often have to show two or three that show the benefit it may shock people to know how many studies of standard antidepressants were done to get a few that worked meaning meaning they did a bunch of studies some of them didn't show an effect but you simply don't submit those to the formal process is that what you're saying they have to be Terpenes for sale submitted they don't don't get published right they don't get published yeah so there's a difference yeah they're technically uh companies aren't allowed to withhold the data from the fda but effectively if they're not published no one else ever sees it that's true unless they you know make a foia submission freedom of information uh act yeah um one of the things that i think is really interesting to talk about we we've sort of touched on it a little bit is the power of suggestion and the placebo effect can you actually you know as a neurologist can you actually unpack explicitly for people what is the placebo effect and exactly how powerful is it well it's very powerful it's gotten to the point that it's getting extremely difficult to do to show efficacy of a drug as compared to placebo let's see if we can explain this now this particularly applies to drugs to treat pain.

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