Cannabis you know they're really taking a medical approach to the psychedelics and the assisted therapies and things like that so I really see that moving almost more rapidly than we saw movement even with cannabis back when so I really feel there's a whole True Terpenes lot of potential in that market and we've got some great speakers lined up for our psychedelic launch I love that it is fascinating to hear how psychedelics are advancing and they're even starting to create some product lines around isolated elements of the mushrooms and doing other cool stuff with mushrooms even non-psychedelics like burner released his caps line you know of it's like a lion's mane and a lot of other cool stuff blended with cannabinoids.
So I am thrilled that they're taking a more scientific approach than you know maybe we started with cannabis so I’m sure you're going to get a killer turnout for that track no and it's come together so nicely and you know one thing that was really important Terpenes for sale to us with you know putting together the psychedelic track is you know to keep in mind that yes we're about the science and the research and you know discovering all these great things but you know with cannabis the same thing but like especially with psychedelics you know what we're seeing you know it's not just about the science you also need to remember the roots of where this you know medicine comes from and you know this is sacred ancient medicine.
You know what i mean that you know the native americans and and others have really been the gatekeepers of this knowledge and this medicine for many many many years so we're really excited because like i said you know we are a science conference so we have people like dr allison drazen from the ames institute is going to be giving a presentation on assisted ketamine therapy she's doing a lot of work with that we have ac braddockcoming and she usually has spoken in our extractionstrack and the analytical track about cannabis but she's doing a lot of work with extracting water-solublepsychedelics Live resin Terpenes down to where it limits you know nausea and things like that but then we also have people like davina smith who is a leader in the native american community who actually organized a 360 mile prayer run from salt lake city utah to bears ears national monument in utah collecting sacred medicine along the waythat was you know their indigenous medicinereally to bring awareness to the bears ears land reduction which you know if your your audience isn't familiar with that i would definitely give that a google the bears earsmonument land reduction because there was kind of a situation where obama had given back a lot of this land to the native americans but then when trump came in he kind of took some of that back and it's kind of been a back and forthso that was one of the issues she was raising awareness around as well as missingindigenous women and other you know really important issues to her.