The subset of folks with chronic pain report improvements in pain as well as other areas we see a few signs of problematic use and potential normalization of brain activation so pretty interesting we're doing a number of survey studies I’m including Buy Terpenes
one focus on covet 19 and medical cannabis use the use of a commercially available product on menstrual cycle symptoms and cannabinoids from menopause-related symptoms as ralph mentioned and I’m happy to tell you we're doing a number of clinical trials we have a number of ends in hand I’m just going to show you a quick sneak peek of a day an open-label to double-blind trial that is underway this was basically done in conjunction with a sourced extract.
That I wound up using from Nida but I do work with industry partners and I always have a chemist with some cannabis experience on board as well but basically, I get something that looks like the top left panel and I have to make it into something our patients can use the clinical trials currently are cannabis-derived high CBD formulations for anxiety I’m going to show you that True Terpenes data in a second we also have CBD for anxiety and agitation and Alzheimer’s dementia which is pretty exciting a hemp-derived high CBD formulation for anxiety in conjunction with industry partners and a number of pending trials there's no shortage of work in this area the quick sneak peek basically my clinical trial looking at the high CBD product for anxiety it's a whole plant full spectrum product and now you know what that is and it basically is an open-label to double-blind trial design because it had never been done before I wasn't sure what the dose should be how often they should have it, etc.
So we had some some wiggle room it's basically a four week study of active treatment and it's approximately 10 mgs per mil of cbd along with a nber of other cannabinoid constituents you also know why that's important and a full terpenoid profile it's a sublingual administration tid dosing means they get it three times a day what we basically see really really interesting between baseline and four weeks we are seeing seventy to eighty percent reduction in anxiety related symptoms a sixty to Terpenes for sale eighty percent improvement in mood related symptoms for example scores on the bdi or back depression inventory improvements in sleep and quality of life really quite striking the data revealed very similar cognitive findings that's what i showed you in the observational study basically no one's getting worse people are getting better over time we also don't see any significant adverse events or intoxication that's really really important we did see positive urine screens for thc in exactly half the sample after four weeks despite the fact despite the fact that nobody was intoxicated important to keep in mind and the double blind phase which is now finally underway is ongoing and will definitely give us more definitive results the open label date is amazing but it's open label data and you know the role of expectancy can't be ruled out here although we didn't assess for that and didn't see a relationship.