The first time you tasted food you have been eating terpenes from the first time you smell the flour or fruit you have been smelling terpenes terpene is a natural compound it can be found in every plant on earth the benefits to humans are unique and so far in our research, we have identified about 30 000 different terpenes now not every terpene has a benefit to humans but a lot of them do and it's um one of these things that have been with you and you just didn't know what it was or Buy Terpenes and we're going to teach you exactly um what these are and then how to use them to improve your life and the lives of others and also improve your business so a terpene is actually a very simple little compound that comes from a plant you know we use terpenes to um flavor and scent our products so if you um, for instance, take a um peach calm twist we pull the terpenes from peach to give it the flavor so it's really very simple idea but so what are they good for what are terpenes used for and where do they come from.
So um you probably know and understand the terpene the benefits of terpenes really intuitively and I’ll show you why in just a moment some terpenes have been studied clinically for years and years but they're usually associated with ember marijuana and while we know the benefits of hemp and we have really great hemp oil-based products in q fuse we don't use any of the terpenes in the products I’ll introduce to you and none of those terpenes come from either the hemp plant or the True Terpenes so I know you're going to be tempted to go and google terpenes and there's a lot of great information that pops up but it's usually associated with either hemp or marijuana but we're doing something different something that no one else is doing and something that makes us truly unique and I’ll show you here in just a moment.
What i'm talking about so here's my example most people on earth have used lavender or smell lavender or experienced it in some way and it's really well understood that lavender has a relaxing benefit a calming benefit and it's used in hundreds of thousands of products but what most people don't know it's not the lavender itself that brings the benefit you know there's a lot of great essential oil companies and these companies sell good essential oils i'm not knocking anyone because um there are benefits to those essential oils as well but what is it inside that essential oil that gives you the benefit oftentimes that benefit comes from a terpene from in this case lavender or a group of terpenes um so so far you've either experienced a terpene in a food you ate or something you smelled Terpenes for sale but if you were to use essential oil you can't just use that essential oil it's its benefits are locked away inside the oil what happens is if you're going to use it in essential oil you have to add it to a carrier or maybe you can just smell it or you have to put it on something and then you can smell it but you can't just experience the benefit of lavender all on its own you can't eat it you can't use it directly on your skin there's all kinds of warnings and things saying um you know this could cause irritations and um issues so.