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Is it too late for the submit your "how to byteball wallet "post for 100 SBD contest?

See my channel for some free ByteBall money.

Another AIRDROP coming....



they scammed my mad

Hi, anybody care to send me some byteball?


Really? So I could send you.

I just made a comment about this, just a few moments ago.

I also made a post talking about one of the snipers who is going around sniping referrals. It is far too easy to exploit and too lucrative to ignore.

I know many users have made thousands in just 48 hours on the airdrop, and some have even broken $10,000.

I have referred users, that had NEVER shared their Byteball wallet address anywhere, and still I get no referral. This happened 3 times already 🤷‍♂🤷‍♂🤷‍♂

There are bots that are using blockchain to snipe directly.

That makes sense. Interesting. I guess Byteball team didnt know that Steem Blockchain has ridiculously INSANE amounts of abusers.

Crypto, Internet, Free money, they are pretty damn shortsighted if they didn't expect abusers. Don't even have to add in Steem

Steemians are battle hardened abusers....sniping rewards from the clutches of rightful rewardee....


That is mighty unfair :/ I hate that there are such people around....they screw it up for the rest of us. We'll never had a good strong community this way. I think you're right. It's fairly easy to reach the 50 rep mark, and that way it would've been harder to glitch. Although at the time, it just seemed nice for a lot of low rep users..:/

Maybe if we choose to post our steem username publicly inside byteball wallet, someone can find our address immediately from byteball explorer.

Yes, but even if you attest it privately, it is possible to see from the explorer, which addresses have attested, see following link, some attestations have the data public and some in private

Me too, referred two users privately but I didn't get any referral reward. And they said they got less amount of gbyte than it was promised.

Wow that is not fair at all 😖

I enjoyed that post (like most others u make). They should be controlled.

People I am currently running a campaign.
If you believe freedom is the right of every human please support this cause.

Any support and recommended would go a long way and be highly appreciated.
Please resteem to the post for more visisbility. God bless you

I know youre not a man of many words Bernard, but could you elaborate a little so perhaps we could take advantage of them please? Thank you
Yours faithfully

I'm not 100% sure, but from what I understand...
You had to send bytes to people so they could afford to verify their Steemit usernames. That's how you got the reward. However, the ref-links doesn't matter at all. Anyone can just download the wallet, using any link, and people would compete trying to send the smallest amount of bytes to these people. When they did, they got the ref and also the reward. No matter where the user came from.

So new users are basically getting bombarded with byte-transfers as soon as they signup. And if you are lucky, you'll be the last person to send bytes to a new user, and if you're the last person, you'll be the one who get the commission. And there's obviously bots doing this too, so it's definitely not fair.

Sounds like the best way to teach these bots a lesson is to sign up a bunch of accounts and let them deplete their bytes by sending to accounts that have no intention of claiming the Byteball Steem reward.

Thanks, it's actually the last part I didn't work out, about the last person sending that got the commission. Terrible execution by the Byteball team, and if they could make such an amateurish mistake with a simple referral scheme...........

Thanks for the clarity!

you are right lol @berniesanders

I'm not supporting them anymore. Just that some people already rip the system already.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Lol so when crypto is up go out and have fun bar b que bit if it's down just don't look at the screen get ulyour mind off it lol should just have a good time regardless of the market which we might see a small down again but still luv ur work

I just have one question,

Did you change your profile pic?

I leave steemit for 2 weeks and all hell breaks lose......

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

what happened @berniesanders :O BTW if byteball is a shitcoin its good i am not part of that shitcoin :P

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Most of referrers made so much effort and got nothing for it. The bots took it all...... I mean seriously, the bots targeted the byteball addresses being posted before the referrer could.

It think the refferal is a shit because they bot took most of it. The byteball company were just a dull head .

I was expecting to hear your point on this. I noticed this bean ball shit.

wow so nice post...very very nice

I can not follow Byteball. because my reputation is still too small. but I will keep trying.

I guess it irritated you a lot...

Nice post bro love the caption

How can use it


everything is chaotic uncontrollably. I can only relax for a few moments.

@berniesanders yes you get it right.. i am yet to claim.. i was thinking to claim after my repuation reaches atleast 50. So should i claim or not?

What happened Bernie?

Its good for one time i already joined and got reward

You are lucky, pal

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I doubt if they anticipated the bot-attack in Steemit.

This has nothing to do with the bots on Steemit. This is just shitty design, plain and simple. The referral system does NOT work.

I think it works quite well but, the bots are faster than you in grabbing the accounts and funding them through to obtain the referral bonus.
Or did you try to refer someone whose identity was ONLY shared between you and him/her securely?

I tried this, the wallet on my iPhone is not responding and the money for attesting is not to be seen. Even if I know that it is only me who have sent bytes to this person.


Today I finally got my attestation reward. I have tried to help 4 users all with what I thought was for my only to help. It turns out that the 3 of those I have sent money too, has also gotten money and used others as referals. So 1 out of 4. Yes it might be too easy to steal the reward money for the bot's or what ever they use.

but on the bright sightI now have about 1Gb all togheter. And if the value will go opp I will still have earned some money

Posted using Partiko iOS


Yeah @ fun guy, the referral is just a mess.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

It does seem like shit! I can’t even send 50k to a buddy to get his airdrop. But at least it’s free money

Glad I dumped.

See, this is exactly why this whole community thing can't work - it didn't even cross my mind that I might glitch the system to get money from the airdrop. I got what was offered and that was that, seemed reasonable as everyone should get their fair share. Guess not, huh?

Yes, Now referral all are arrested.

I'm surprised people came up with this.

It's also surprising how big flaw was left in the referral system.

I imagined people would instead start creating Steem accounts, upvoting them a bit so they reach rep 30 (or more) and then just refer to themselves.

It wouldn't be a big thing to create a system which creates a lot of accounts, posts random shit with them, upvotes them till rep 30 and then just get the referral bonuses from yourself.

Well so am I thinking if it as well

I had many users signed up by my referral but unfortunately many were there (hunters) who just sent as soon as they posted leaving them with the referral

and now from the comment section I am getting to see other things happening behind the curtain !

I found this link useful I suppose, prevented me to send coins

Seems like it is being exploited via bots and spammers. 🎶Womp womp womp.. I was pretty stoked about this Airdrop too until reading this. Thanks for sharing Bernie!

@berniesanders please... I sent my msg to steemchat.

Ok. Got it.

Yeah that referral system is really shit.
I mean... How didn't they think of that when releasing such a big fucking thing ?

For those who don't know
Basically bots are sending bytes to people and stealing the refferal money from people who earned it.

Plot twist, they're the ones running the bots so they can save money on paying out referrals.

Conspiracy theories :D

Sounds like the truth doe, feels like something these fuckheads would do

Conspiracy theory... Here we go

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I just wonder how come that their team couldn't see this will happen.
How can we trust this coin and the team behind it?

Too bad that is how the DAG system means to work.

Has there ever been anything that used referrals that wasn't a scam?

time has ended, let them busy..

best way to get 10$ instant bonus


Really? So I could send it to you. Haha

Unlucky! May luck be with you in your future.

LOL I thought as much and I saw a few people just pumping out their address to everyone to get a few bytes didn’t get the point of that either! Shiteballs airdrop had everyone on the hype train good and solid


So if i post this address
Will i get a lot of free bytes thinking i am needing sign up money? Lol. Let me try snd scam the scammers.

Yep sending me a few pennies at a time. Lol. I think it pays better than most faucets though.

lol download wallet from here and then send me your address i send you 600 000 bytes to registration

You're already to late. The Trojan horse got into your device. It's a matter of time before it orders something using your creditcard 😋

The developers who developed this shitcoin left FAR too many open exploits in the referral process leaving the referral itself 100% pointless.

Byteball's team is Russian team. I don't trust any Russian (or ex-USSR) team too.