The king of a country in North Africa were seeking ready to choose an honest man, for he levy taxes. In order to ensure the people of jade dedicated effort, no corruption, no resort to deceit, advisers have give counsel. A counselor to the king said: "Your Majesty, etc. Those candidates went to the palace, as long as you like, I can give you from looking for the most honest man." The king listened repeatedly said.
The second day, all the candidates were called to the palace, the candidates look at this magnificent building, Xuan spray says to surprise, they had a round piece of today was a drool with envy, free competition opportunities, how can the king to test what they do, no number.
To them from the corridor counsellors alone in the past the king.
The light was dim in the corridor. All the applicants went through the corridor and came to the king. The king said, "come on, gentlemen, pull up the hand and dance. I want to know who of you all dances the most beautiful. "
Luxurious palace, hanging blue exquisite palace lamp, lamp trembling tassels, with shining floor and down the blue velvet curtains, giving a brown study feeling, when the music sounded slowly. More, the vast majority of applicants suddenly blindsided, expression gradually by Bai Bianhong, ashamed and embarrassed, then, only one person have no qualms about a lively dance, seems so easy.
Smart people are dancing as the counselor said: "Your Majesty, this is your honesty to me." Originally, counsellors put several baskets gold in the dimly lit corridor, all alone through the corridor with gold in his pocket, will not dare to dance. If a dance, the pocket gold will jingle. Therefore, people who dare not dance are not honest people. The honest man alone across the corridor, don't put the coins secretly in their pockets is certainly not afraid of dancing away.
The king walked down the throne, holding the honest man, said happily: "you can not for money, is really good."
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