The suppressed side of covid-19 and the vaccines - The Link Libraries

in c19 •  2 years ago  (edited)

This collection has been compiled primarily as a resource for myself and for all those who are trying to map this unprecedented
intellectual-ethical bankruptcy. At the same time, it also serves as an ever-growing record about the role the media has played in
all of this. The large part of public have heard nothing about most of the information below. Yes, omission is just another tool of
manipulation – but very effective one. We have long been in a situation where the articles in medical journals or the views of
respected doctors and experts do not make the news if they criticise the ’power narrative’ on covid and vaccines. To couple this
with the observation that we have a huge number of people for whom nothing that was not in the news is ’true’ and the chain of
insights begins to open up. Smart people are capable of making independent decisions based on their perceptions – but only to
that extent how much their perceptions cover the whole spectrum of reality.


** This article contains material until June 2022.
From July 2022 onwards HERE. **

The library shall be updated every two weeks or monthly. Text may still contain some odd traces of Finnish wording due semimanual conversion; not too many though! Also the dates are in European format.
LIST of #TAGs USED [search with ctrl + F]
#early_treatment&therapeutics |
#adverse_events |
#general |
#GainOfFunction_LabResearch_VirusPatents |
#vaccine_safety |
#Public_Health_Totalitarianism |
#inflation_of_the_science |
#vaccination_of_children |#vaccines&immune_system |
#together! |
#manipulation_by_data |
#hijacking_of_perception |
#Defenders_of_the_CounterNarrative |
#immunity_from_liabilities |
#PCR-Test |
#WEF |
#Reversal&CoverUp |
#excess_mortality |
#WHO-PandemicTreaty |
#the_great_deception |
#BigPharma |
#InformationWar |
#MediaBias |
#institutional_corruption |
#Natural_Immunity |
#Pandemic_of_the_vaccinated |
#law and medicine |
#leaky_vaccines |#warnings |
#data-collection |
#mass-psychosis |
#sports_people |
#variants |
#masks |
#narrative_turning? |
#Ukraine |
#hepatitis |
#monkey-pox |

The Library:
(sorry about bit long loading times - it is because the other platform)

(from July 2021 to June 2022)
To Linklibrary I

(from July 2022 onwards)
To Linklibrary II

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