All 10 Parts of Fall of Cabal here.

in cabal •  5 years ago 

All 10 videos of Fall of Cabal here for you to watch, share. I warn you some parts are hard to watch(take in) some you'll need to take in in bits and bobs. Breathe and pray...
Watch all 10 parts of the documentary Fall of Cabal by Janet Ossebaard of the Netherlands below. So many times thruout the various episodes especially the ones re WWII, Germany, Nazi's I thought of Dad who flew missions to defeat Germany, drop food rations to the starving Dutch and liberate French POW's from Austria.. I wonder if he had an inkling of what was really going on: At some point he left the Democratic Party and become Republican as did my Mon and her mom, my Grandmother.I started as a Republian and became Independent where I will forever remain. I love you all. <3 Please share far and wide. <3

Fall Cabal Part I

Fall Cabal Part 2

Fall Cabal Part 3

Fall Cabal 4

Fall of Cabal [PART 5 of 10]

Fall of the Cabal... Part 6 (by Janet Ossebaard

Fall of Cabal Part 7

Fall of Cabal Part 8

Fall of Cabal Part 8

Fall of Cabal Part 9

Fall of Cabal Part 10

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