"DK: There’re several of these types of operations. I call it the cabal."
"Unlike the World Bank set up by the Cabal"
"The 188 Ministers of Finance on the World Bank and IMF Board of Governors cannot be overruled by the cabal"
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | The Dismantling Of The Cabal
June 8, 2017 / 24 Comments
David Wilcock - CITD 2017 - The Downfall of the Cabal
"We speak to David Wilcock about the ongoing fall of the cabal through global disclosure."
David Wilcock Claims an Evil "Cabal" of Aliens and Democrats Are Trying to Stop Trump from Defeating Evil, Revealing Truth about Atlantis
ENDGAME: Disclosure and the Final Defeat of the Cabal
Posted by David Wilcock
"The Cabal is closer to exposure and defeat than ever before."
MI6 says cabal rule could collapse within three months
"Pentagon sources, for their part, said, “The Cabal has been deaf and blind for over two weeks, so big things should happen after Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation.”
End game for cabal as Nuremberg II tribunals loom
By Benjamin Fulford
"Cabal** Faces Doom" - Fulford Report - 9.10.18**
"Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis
Pandemic scare brewing as cabal faces doom"
By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society
Global Currency Reset. Breaking News!! The Cabal is Defeated- by Karen Hudes
"Karen Hudes Reports the Cabal is defeated."
"The BRICS, the Group of 77, the Joint Japan-US Committee under the Status of Forces Agreement are beating the cabal:"
"Let me just say right out of the gate, "Hudes" is Cabal, and promotes the Cabal Agenda."
"While we hear their buzz words like "Cabal" "Deep State" and similar labels, we almost never see a face to the ones who think they are the sole signatory to the collateral accounts and are behind the blockage of these accounts, so they are never used for the benefit of humanity."
"Crayford’s statements suggest that God is the executor, and certain intermediaries on Earth were entrusted with the wealth to uplift humanity, to actually do God’s will—which is in harmony with a trust structure in law. But since, in most cases, these same intermediaries to God are also intimately connected to the Cabal, such as the Vatican, what makes them anymore trusted than your average human being?"
"But man's laws are made by the Cabal Overlords to subjugate God's people. And that's us, folks."
"works with the Cabal"
"Why is that? Because the Cabal is Satanic / Luciferian in makeup and they don't want God's Bloodline Children to survive and thrive so that we can learn Truth and grow spiritually."
"Satanic cabal"
"It is visibly evident that the Cabal are panicking and in fear mode. Afraid of losing their power base they are trying all sorts of tactics to cause / create problems for those trying and working hard to pull things into order, based upon the real truth."
"Onto this, you layer a fantasy in which President Trump, while posing as a flailing president in public, is secretly orchestrating a crackdown on the entire cabal."
"And according to Q, Mr. Trump is on the verge of exposing a cabal of pedophiles, globalists, and celebrities who secretly control America."
"This will give you an idea how the CABAL do business"
"The PLAN is to reclaim the world from the cabal"
"The cabal has the ability, thanks to the media, to present an illusion."
"the Cabal will use anything they can to try to discredit, disprove, and cast doubt on our efforts."
"Getting the Greek government to abandon the EU, join the BRICS bank and accept money from Russia might be the strategy that ends cabal control in Europe."
Al Hodges Claims Victory in CMKX Suit, Reveals Sting Operation Against the Cabal