I'm having a really hard time.
I always do my best to speak the truth in a loud and unmitigated voice because the sociopaths who rule us have built an empire on the fact that they are bold and assertive while the healthy are meek and mild, but I'm also very sensitive, and this job gets to me sometimes.
My social media notifications are lit up nonstop full of tags and tweets and mentions of people talking about me, calling me a racist, saying I'm a Nazi, saying I'm paid by the alt-right. I don't mind the attacks from the centrists anymore; they generally just accuse me of being a paid agent for whichever government I happen to be disputing western propaganda about on any given day. But as a lifelong bleeding heart lefty, the baseless accusations of racism and Nazism still cut like a knife.
People are combing through everything I've ever written, any and all public information about me, in order to find something incriminating. And they're knowingly ignoring countless things I've written which directly contradict their narratives about me to do it; stuff where I condemn police violence against African Americans, defend Black Lives Matter, defend Colin Kaepernick, advocate for slavery reparations, object to Australia's brutal treatment of refugees and the Aboriginal people, condemn antisemitism and Islamophobia, copious feminist and socialist writings, they ignore all that in the hopes of snatching one odd-looking thing out of context to screen shot and share around.
I'm not a celebrity. I'm not some MSNBC millionaire who built a lucrative career before ever having to even participate in social media with an occasional tweet here and there. To have my entire life combed over by masses of scrutinizing eyes can feel viscerally uncomfortable. And it takes a toll.
So I'm not bringing my A-game today. My longtime readers know that sometimes when things are overwhelming I stick with my goal of writing honestly every day, and just write from where I'm at. Right now, where I'm at is sprawled out on the bed with a nervous system that feels like it's been put through a cement mixer with a swarm of hungry army ants.
I can so understand why more people don't do this. Speak the truth as you see it in an unmitigated way with no regard for groupthink and eventually you'll say something that pisses people off, and they'll still be screeching about it nine months later. I am a good healer and I will be fine, but there are a lot of people who would never willingly wade into these waters.
This is why the people who rise to the top are the ones who are unbothered by such attacks. The ones who can't feel. The sociopaths. That's what we're creating for ourselves with this frenetic feeding-frenzy groupthink dynamic.
It's apparent that some people are out to wipe me off the face of the planet. They all have stated different reasons for doing so, many that conflict with each other. I see them fighting and blocking each other all the time too. I have a little saying "wedgers gonna wedge." Some people only know how to wedge people to get what they want; that's literally the only tool in their box. It's "my way or the highway," and they've never been able to create enthusiasm with other people about a shared project. They are pure competitors. They aren't collaborators, they only know how to bully and cajole, guilt and wedge people into going along with their agenda. They have never inspired or enthused anyone. They wouldn't know where to start.
In that way, it's unsurprising that they hate everything that I am. I am the opposite of the thing they are. I was literally lifted out of the Facebook groups into the spotlight by people's enthusiasm for the way I spoke our collective truth. Day after day, I am just saying what many of us see and hear and think. I consider myself a mere megaphone. People share my pieces because they appreciate the way I encapsulate our distress, our hopes, how I put a strong case forward for our suspicions and how I frame our wisdom.
I was and am just a Facebook mom; I'm the literal stereotype of "Wine time!" suburbia. I'm not classy or hip, I'm as PB&J as they come, and it's not cool. I'm not cool. But guess what? There are a lot of us. A lot of worried moms and dads, heartbroken grandparents, and uneasy millennials who won't ever score a slot on MSNBC either. There's a lot of us and we deserve to be heard. We have something to say. Let us fucking say it. We might not say it in the exact right university-correct, college campus lingo, we might not have read all the boring books of old men who died a long time before the internet, you might find our interest in some things too gauche for your taste, too kitschy, too cheap-seats, too suburban. Fine. Read someone else. There's plenty that cater to the elitist left-wing tastes.
Just hear this: workers' revolutions needs to enthuse workers. That means the working class. No revolution ever happened over cocktails in one of the most expensive cities in the world. Your knee-jerk disgust for the working class and the way my "cheap-seats" populism appeals to it is a severe impediment to galvanizing the 99 percent.
Someone needs to be willing to speak to real people where they actually are. You won't. I will. If it were up to me I'd just be drawing and writing poems and selling books, but since none of you elitist wankers are willing to stand here and do what needs to be done, I will.
So have your little elitist socialist revolution, that's fine, have it over drinks off campus and haw-haw-haw over a plate of paleo treats and a serving of self-righteousness, get off on punching soft targets like me and getting high on the sound of your own voice, but you don't have the right to shut us down. You. Don't. Have. That. Right. You might kill me off but there will be another right behind me, and another and another and another. We will be heard. Our voices will be heard. You can't gatekeep the revolution to a chosen few. Our biological urge to survive demands that we take this to the people. I don't care if that makes the control-freaks uncomfortable. Deal with it.
Thanks for reading! My daily articles are entirely reader-funded, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following me on Twitter, bookmarking my website, checking out my podcast, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypal, or buying my new book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.
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Caitlin you are my heroine and that of many others. Amongst all the angry bees in your mentions, a lot of people retweeted support for you., and left messages about how much they appreciate your work. I hope you know that these attacks strengthen that support for you and don't do one damn bit to weaken it among anyone who values truth. We have your back, here and on twitter and everywhere. Sending good thoughts and virtual coffee!
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Ne… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
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The Establishment is Running Scared
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We love and miss you Caity. You have a YUUUUGE family here who love you and everything you stand for. Sorry so many assholes are trying to tear you apart. Just remember that you are guarded and surrounded by an army of peace who outnumber those who only wish they could do you harm. With all of us, in droves we squash them with our love and respect for you.
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You're plain and that is great, we don't have any ketchup or mustard in our fridge and we regularly eat bologna on homemade bread. Our salad dressings are literally a dash of olive oil and a drench of whatever vinegar we have. Are you hungry yet? Rest assured that these little people ain't going to find anything about you.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you and then you win.
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Hang in there, speak the truth. We need more people speaking out against establishment propaganda or we're all doomed...
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I remember hearing that you can't offend a racist by calling them racist and the more I think about it it's true. It only works when you're accusing someone of being something they're not. Like accusing an honest person of stealing, lying, fraud, or whatever - 'racist' is just the word of the day to use because it can hurt someone really badly wether it's true or not. It's going to hurt emotionally if it's not true and socially if it is.
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Someone once used an analogy about receiving criticism that I liked - its like being given a bouquet of poisonous flowers. Find the one flower in the middle that is pure (the accurate part of the criticism) and throw out the rest. Every criticism contains the tiniest grain of useful info that we can reflect on, the rest is projection.
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Love your work! Have bought and shared your work! I think you are amazing :)
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Sadly, this is what they always do - Attack the Messenger.
They attack you personally because their arguments are paper thin and they would like to make this about you and not about the vital information/awareness that you bring to the public.
They want to silence you and marginalize you because you're effective and we no longer believe the lies and propaganda that they force upon us every single day.
Keep your chin up Caitlin, 'the people' know this is a smear job and we see right through it. You're a beacon of light and an artist with deep love for your fellow woman and man.
I recently watched your interview with @thejimmydoreshow where he was reading your poetry, remarkable!
@baah and @k9disc are right... you're winning :)
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This is part of a psyops initiative to stifle dissent. Which CIA Director does the NYT have on retainer?
I've seen pieces in the New Yorker, the NYT, and the Atlantic in the last few weeks equating the violent and intolerant Left with the violent and intolerant Right.
Anti-Solidarity Anti-Fascist Hitpiece
"We're All Fascists Now" in the NYT (archive.is link), suggests that because an AEI anti-feminist was called a fascist, we're all fascists now.
Except nobody was called a fascist but the self professed feminst who works for one of the most anti-feminist and protofascist institutions in America. There was a sell out for money. A sell out to dogma. White patrician racist something or other. Social media was mean to another... But the only one who was calleda fascist was the feminist scholar at AEI. Which is a completely debatable point, not ridiculous, and certainly not outside of reasonable hyperbole.
But nobody else was called a fascist. So we're apparently not all fascists.
The piece, IMO, is the very worst kind of hit piece. The ease of conflation combined with the hyperbolic framing, paranoia, and protest imagery paints a very disturbing picture; similar to poor lighting or selective editing, it delivers a message under cover of truth.
I think it is fairly rank propaganda, but we're apparently not all there yet...
Everyone Not Like Us Are Fascists, Commies, Dupes of Fascists or Commies, Fascist Commies, Commie Fascists... Did I miss anything?
The projection is stunning. This shit is everywhere, too.
To see this psyops campaign so nakedly pointed at you, @caitlinjohnstone, is terrible. Makes me angry and scares me.
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When you've touched a nerve you know you must be doing something right.
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Good on you, Caitlin.
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The information you provide helps us a lot..
thnx for shearing
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To me, your raw honesty to yourself and what you believe is inspiring and your writing style is modern and accessible - I hate the use of the word populist as if the writing is vulgar and lacking in value. Your appeal to me, beyond the well thought out messages themselves, is your integrity and accessibility. Thanks for having the strength to push through the bullshit and thanks for all the great stuff you publish.
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I know it might not feel like it right now-but they attack you because they know you speak the truth and they would rather have people in the dark. When people are faced with the truth they have a voice, they can united and cause change. They don't want that so they attack those that speak truth. But truth will always be given light. And you are light, so keep on shinning and leading the way for those in darkness.
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The reason the truth is attacked is that it upturns the belief system. If a light shines from a mountaintop it declares itself with power, but if the light is dragged deep into the wood and valley and into the cracks and crevices below it won't matter how bright it shines.
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"You can't gatekeep the revolution"
We are the 99%
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If you're catching flak, it's because you're over the target.
People like their society-endorsed security blankets, and here you are, ripping the blankets off and people are getting a dose of cold reality. It's easier to lash out at you, the messenger/blanket puller, than face the harsh reality in which we all dwell.
Keep doing what you're doing: if you're pissing people off, you're doing it right.
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Hang in there @caitlinjohnstone
The road you have chosen, or the road that chose you, is a harsh master. I wish I could tell that it would get easier, that the sniping would stop, but sadly, I suspect it will not. The closer you get to the nerve, the harsher those feeling the pain will react.
You know that what you are doing is right, and what they’re doing is wrong, but the only answer is to build you defences, keep moving forwards, feed from the love and respect that we can provide, and damn the torpedoes.
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I just found you on here, and I like you :)
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You are BeautyFull and PowerFull beyond measure! Thank you!
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All the 'leaders' of these shilling groups for the elite, are only looking after their own self interest. They are in fear that you are going to kill off their little gravy train. They have it good and want to keep it that way. The rest of the folk who get swept up in the group think, don't know any better. They want to be with the 'cool kids' too.
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Unfortunately, we share the same opinion, especially about those who are ignorant.
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Lefty 'cult members' should finally decide if we are sexist,communist Russian agents,or alt-right Nazis.We just can't be both 🤣
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We love your work, Caitlin, and we always get a great response when we aggregate it on MPN. Keep up the good work! Your voice is so important.
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I've spent (with friends) the good part of two days defending you on Twitter. What I've discovered is that a lot more people love your writing than don't. Those divisive, mudslinging losers are jealous. You're excellent at what you do. I want to smash them to bits right now, but I'm just going to walk away and leave them to their circle-jerking. Have a great day, and take care, mate! 💖
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so the trollish twitter guy is alleging you think the left should collaborate with the alt-right? Am I getting this correct?
edit: found more of your ideas.
I disagree with some of your points, particularly about big tent collaboration on particular issues. That said, I think too much of the left mirrors fanatical christians in that what doesn't fit inside their dogma bible is considered sin and sacrilegious. and I say this as a vehement communist and marxist. it's a serious, fatal flaw with the left. they think anything out of line should be met with a hammer.
like, instead of trolling and attacking you personally (which counterpunch did), they'd have time better spent to attack the real enemies of the working class. instead of working towards increasing proletarian power, the left focuses on prosecuting blasphemy cases.
for example, instead of calling you a fascist collaborator, I say, do whatever the fuck you think is correct and good luck with that. I'm not in an organization with you, so who the fuck am I to tell you what to do? I'd be happy to explain why I think big tent politics are dangerous, or why we should instead start with "organizing the advanced, winning over the periphery". Either way, attacking you for your ideas is unhelpful.
Keep doing you and I hope in the future you can experience more political criticism and less personal attacks.
let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend.
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I think you're the best political writer out there in any medium. Always look forward to reading your work.
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ignore the haters and ignore the trolls
most of them are desparate folks who are paid and who work against their own best interests
someday we will have our COMMONS back and we will not forget how they trampled upon us daily [hourly sometimes]
keep the faith
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You can't ignore them anymore. You can't when they are reporting and using your name in their twitter names. You have to report them and take action. It's wrong that people are being sanctioned on these social media platforms and being censored by those that just don't like their opinions. You have to do more. All of us need to stand up to this. WE should be fighting this censorship for ALL.
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agreed in full we all have to do what we can to fight the troll s the brockaroaches their slings and arrows at the peril of our collective outrageous fortunes..... well we can take arms [words are swords] against their sea of trouble and by opposing END THEM ;0
just keep your balance we all uplift eachother we have yourback you must be over a target to get so much heat back
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I am mortified by what is happening on social media. I left fb because of censoring, knew it was happening on youtube and have seen first hand what's happening now on twitter too. I just reported the damn guy who is using your name in his name on twitter, plus responded to his quote on his feed using your last paragraph of this article. I am also reporting Jeremy Fassler as he has been reporting you and others on twitter as I found his "boast" last night. I hope everyone will report and confront these jerks. Censorship has to stop by the platforms.
Keep at it Caitlin. I don't agree with everything you and Jared Beck, and HA and others say, but overall I do and I also feel EVERYONE has the right to voice their opinions without censorship.
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I'll let you know if there's further action.
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You catch the most flak when your over the target!!!
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Don't take this the wrong way, but how long have you been at this Caitlin? What we are dealing with started back in the early 1990s . . . and basically involves the corruption and collapse of a social system, so very high stakes and very long term . . . You develop a thicker skin over time, but during the same time the social environment only becomes more toxic the closer we get to the inevitable collapse. You're either in for the long haul, or you cut your losses somewhere along the line and perhaps save your sanity and the sanity of your loved ones, and bail out . . . that more and more people see what some of us have seen for a long time is not really an indication that things are getting better, that there's hope, but rather that the rot and collapse have only become ever more obvious . . .
The Deep State, Cheneyism, "the Borg", whatever you wish to call it, dominates the political dialogue in the US and whereever US political culture holds sway, represents and frames it in ways that support the continuance of the status quo. If you disturb that you become a target . . . Also that some of the most rabid Cheneyite stooges/useful idiots are on the far left should not be surprising . . .
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from one facebook mom to another: thank you, keep it up. <3
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Dear Caitlin, It's unbearable to think of what you've been enduring bc you dare to oppose the puerile minds of the deeply unsure and greedy psychopaths -who rule and want to own us completely. Even in the most trying & exhaustive times, your writing shows you stand incredibly tall --passionately writing abt what all humanity and workers deserve. It's why you are loved and respected by 1000's of us. And why we intend to stand by you all the way!! #VoiceOfTheWorld #CaitlinHasGoodWill #WeStandWithCaitlin
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This, I imagine, is in a small measure what Russia feels like: Constantly maligned, distorted, and lied about. (Syria, too.) I don’t know about Australians, but it sometimes seems Americans will buy anything, if you sell it to them enough (look at McDonalds). What might have you peeved is this guy, these guys, are selling hard the idea that Caitlan is _____________ (something bad). It’s the salesmanship that rankles, I imagine, more than the lie. Or the combination of lie + salesmanship. I would like to promote the idea that nobody’s buying — but these days they can astroturf customers.
As Who D. Who pointed out, the minute you strike a nerve, you’ll know. I think the only danger for you now is that you become someone who purveys negativity and a sense of hopelessness. Aside from ebullient aphorisms, real good things must be going on. Partly, they are patterns now hard to discern but that will be clearer with time and distance. But reflecting from a distance can also be positive. And I think not a negative is positive. The rump of Mrs. Clinton’s coterie have only haggard negativity to spew — Trump’s so bad!!!!! Not accepting their negativity should be a positive. And if you refuse to grant them that negativity, they’ve got no toe-hold for asserting that “you” or anything you say, can be a part of that negativity (that doesn’t exist).
As you’ve pointed out, Trump is not the devil. I think we should love him as a person and support him as an office holder whom we hope does the best job he can do until someone better comes along. For all his real and imagined sins he should one day be forgiven. All of his bad karma needs to be overcome with wisdom and revelation. And through good deeds he can set his soul aright. This is the same equation for us all. Be stern, of course, with his policies, work hard to support real opposition (like, say, Medicare for All), and realize that if he is a true politician, he will compromise when faced with a large and determined enough constituency. (Or the next officehoder will).
This pretending Trump is not the President is a gateway into pure hatred, fantasy. Once you’ve entered that realm, then you become susceptible to these kinds of unjust attacks. Those who spew unjust hatred cannot but spew more unjust hatred. As a little bit of this should be unacceptable, so now a lot more appears as such.
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