A Rumination on CalamitysteemCreated with Sketch.

in calamity •  last year 

A Rumination on Calamity


I mowed my lawn today and encountered a spiderweb in my grass.

I had a thought and a pang of guilt as I mowed over and destroyed its home.

That little spider probably put all the time and energy it had into that web.

Now I have rendered its ability to provide for itself to nothing.

To me that spider home was nothing.

But to the spider it was everything.

I am become death
Destroyer of spider homes
I wonder if it had insurance

I think I may need to clear this karmic debt

Lest a similar calamity from above finds me

Spirit tells me the great harvest is at hand

God will mow the lawn soon

Thank you God for the assurance of my spiritual insurance

Time and energy well spent

To those reading these words…

I pray you have spent your time and energy wisely too

“Like as a father pitieth his children, So the LORD pitieth them that fear him.”
Psalm 103:13 KJV

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