Four Killed in Cross Calang

in calang •  7 years ago 

One unit of Avanza cars was destroyed after crashing a truckload unit of truckloads in an accident at the Malem Mountain Sawang Village, Setia Bakti Sub-district, Aceh Jaya on Wednesday (26/4).

CALANG - A one-family-carrying minibus of eight people was involved in a massive collision with trucks traveling across Calang - Banda Aceh-Meulaboh National Road - Setia Bakti Sub-district, Aceh Jaya, on Wednesday (26/4) at dawn. Four lives drifted into the deadly accident.
The accident claimed four lives occurred when the goods truck BK 9904 BT and minibus Avanza BK 1069 UY was moving in the direction of Banda Aceh. When the two vehicles are at the foot of Mount Malem, Sawang Village area, Setia Bakti Sub-district, Aceh Jaya, Avanza is sliding against the back of the truck on the right side.
The impact of the collision was devastating. Almost the entire body of Avanza destroyed even no longer shaped on the left side. Half of the Avanza 'sunset' to the back of the truck driven by Abdul Jalil (35), residents Suak Ribee, District Johan Pahlawan, Meulaboh, Aceh Barat. "It's so tragic. This is one of the worst accidents in Banda Aceh-Meulaboh Road, Aceh Jaya area, "said DAP, Aceh Jaya RAPI, Ismail / JZ01QIS citing the testimony of his colleague, Cut Arief / JZ01QCA at the scene, as reported by earlier.
In the minibus nahas there are eight people who are one family, including the driver, all citizens Gampong Seuneubok, District Blang Mangat, Lhokseumawe City. Four of them died with terrible conditions at the scene, namely Abu Faisal Ibrahim (40), Irhamna (8), Irada (33), and Maulida (17).
While seriously injured victims who must be referred from Teuku Umar Hospital, Calang to RSUZA Banda Aceh is Avanza driver named Taqwa (35) and Auliawati (13). While Nurmiana (43) and Zakyana Nahira (9), without injuries and abrasions.
Aceh Jaya Police Chief, AKBP Riza Yulianto through Kanit Laka, Brigadier Hazrin who contacted Serambi said the case occurred when the Avanza minibus was speeding from the direction of Banda Aceh. Suddenly at the foot of Mount Malem, Lageun's Quake, the speeding Avanza crashed into the back of the truck on the right side.
The dead and wounded were immediately evacuated to Teuku Umar Hospital, Calang. While Taqwa and Aulia after being treated for some time were referred to RSUZA Banda Aceh. Truck drivers are still questioned by the police while trucks and cars that have been destroyed Avanza secured as evidence.
Head injury and broken
Information received by Serambi from dr Meilya SpEM at Emergency Installation (IGD) RSUZA Banda Aceh justifies his handling of accident victims referred from Calang Hospital, namely Taqwa and Auliawati.
According to this Emergency Specialist Doctor, both patients arrived at the RSUZA IGD almost simultaneously. Taqwa conditions that arrived at 12:27 pm had sores on the face and head. While Aulia who entered 10 minutes later suffered a broken right foot.
"The circumstances are both conscious and stable. Taqwa had to undergo a cleaning and tailoring operation on the face. So is the case with Aulia, also must be operated but do not know when, "said Dr. Meilya.
Another doctor, Dr. Melda added, was a patient named Auliawati (12), based on CT scans, normal head conditions, no bleeding in the brain. Auliawati patients diagnosed mild head injury and were handled by a nerve specialist Dr. Farida Sp.S (K). Also there is a fracture of the dextra femur (fractured right thigh) handled by the orthopedic surgery section.
Next, Melda says, the patient's condition is Taqwa, according to CT-Scan results, normal head, no bleeding in the brain. There is a tear in the left side of the face but already dihecting (stitched). There is no maxillofacial fracture. The four members of the patient's motion did not find any fracture. (C45 / nas / mir)


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