The Tragedy of Fajr at the Foot of Gunung Malam

in calang •  7 years ago 

One unit of Avanza cars was destroyed after crashing a truckload unit of truckloads in an accident at the Malem Mountain Sawang Village, Setia Bakti Sub-district, Aceh Jaya on Wednesday (26/4).

A survivor of a deadly crash in Calang crossing, Nurmiana (43) reported that the tragedy claimed the life of Abu Faisal Ibrahim (40) who was the leader of Dayah Raudhatul Sa'adah, Gampong Seuneubok, Blang Mangat sub-district, Lhokseumawe city.
Abu Faisal died with his son Irhamna (8), his wife, Irada (33), and a santri, Maulida (17). While another daughter of Abu Faisal, Auliawati (13) survived and underwent treatment at RSUZA Banda Aceh.
According to Nurmiana who is a member of Abu Faisal's family, the accident occurred when they were on a takziah trip to Fajar City, South Aceh, because the mother of his santri, Maulida died from a collision in Lhok Buya, Setia Bakti Sub-district, Aceh Jaya a day earlier.
It is said Nurmiana, Abu Faisal conceal the tragedy of the death of Maulidar mother on the grounds do not have time children who are studying in dayahnya trauma. But fate determines otherwise, before getting to the home of his parents, Maulida was also picked up due to the disaster. He followed his mother along with Abu, Umi, and a daughter of the dayah leader where he studied. "They went simultaneously," Nurmiana said, sobbing while interviewed by Serambi at Teuku Umar General Hospital, Calang, on Wednesday (4/26) afternoon, before the return of the corpse to their respective home villages. (C45)


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