Unconstitutional gun laws.

in california •  5 months ago 



It seems that, if these laws are challenged, and go to the SCOTUS, they'll all be deemed to be unconstitutional.

Still, let's take a moment to talk about the stupidity of safe storage laws.

Most gun owners I know, including me, have a gun on their night stands in case there's a break-in. Yeah, if we have a violent felon in our homes, we don't wanna have to work our way into another room in order to open a safe, load the mag, and load the gun while he home invader probably already has his weapon out.

All of these laws are expansions of duty to die laws that extend to your own house.

But, it's dumber than that.

As a preventative measure, these laws would require the overturning of the Fourth Amendment. How is the state going to check on your gun storage without forcing themselves into your house?

Until they manage to overturn the Fourth Amendment, it's just a law that's there to hang potential legal troubles over the heads of gun owners.

Accidental deaths from firearms are incredibly rare.

Just as a matter of statistics, any gun storage law would only be enforced against a gun owner who used his gun in self-defense in his own home. That would be a case wherein the cops could lawfully enter the home, "Huh, I see the gun that you used to stop the guy who was trying to rape your daughter doesn't have a locking safe. Sir, you're under arrest."

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