Who will democrats run in 2020? Probably Califailure Senator Kamala D. Harris

in california •  8 years ago 

Kamala Harris is the next likely coronation recipient to replace Hillary Clinton, the 2016 democrat Presidential failure. Harris however was one of Obama's favorites for SCOTUS. If Ginsberg steppeds down or assumed room temp on her own. It is likely we will see her go for the Presidency in 2020.

ag-kamala-harris-officialKamala D. Harris is currently Dem Senator from Califailure elected in 2016.

She most recently was California State Attorney General. In the past she has been involved with the 2012 Obama re-election and was a speaker at the Democrat National Convention. She worked as the San Francisco district attorney and has attended the White House state Dinners in 2009 and 2012. She is a science denier as she believes in Man Made Global Warming. AGW.

Harris supported California Assembly Bill 32, also known as the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. Under the measure, the California Air Resources Board, empowered by the California Environmental Protection Agency, is to produce a plan that would lower the state's greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels, a nearly twenty-five percent reduction, by the year 2020.

Harris will also likely make a good replacement for Obama as she, rather 'her office' has in the past been accused of covering up for a crime lab technician that was stealing cocaine from the lab for personal use.

California Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo severely reprimanded Harris's office for hiding information regarding Madden, designating the refusal "to produce information actually in its possession regarding Madden and the crime lab a violation of the defendants' constitutional rights."[22] San Francisco prosecutors were forced to dismiss more than 600 drug cases since the scandal first broke. http://ballotpedia.org/Kamala_D._Harris

Harris was also charged, as District Attorney, with violating local open-government laws leading up to the 2010 general elections. http://ballotpedia.org/Kamala_D._Harris

That sounds like some one interested in filling Trump's or I mean Obama's shoes if you ask me. Why even the Washington post published an article asking Who is the Next Obama...... No one, then they go on to list Kamala Harris as one of the few Obama Like Black politicians. They also list Tim Scott, however Scott's only Obama Like attribute is his black heritage. Outside of that Scott is nothing like the rest of those the WaPo listed. Scott is a reputable respectable person. Obama and the rest of those listed? In my opinion, not so much.

Six months after the Obama presidency, there isn't that bumper crop of promising Obama-style black politicians -- or anything close.

In 2010 the leftist run George Soros funded HuffingtonPost called her the "Female Obama".

bandicam 2014-09-25 12-20-08-262And why would the democrats not want her around? They don't have any decent looking women in tHE democrat party. Even Obama made a note of that fact. He went out of his way to talk about he good she looks. Hashtag #WarOnWomen.

Obama also praised Attorney General Harris, a rising star in the Democratic Party who was at the second fundraiser, for her "dedication and brilliance" -- and then said "she also happens to be by far the best-looking attorney general in the country."

After laughs, he said: "It's true! Come on!"

Harris is Pro-Gun Control, Pro-Abortion, Pro-Amnesty, Pro-same sex marriage . She agrees with the Obama administration's policy that captured terrorist should be given constitutional rights, ironically something the Obama administration actually denied US Citizens.

When asked if the United States should continue to support Israel she stated that all aid and support should be cut. She also thinks we should have a Federal minimum wage tied to inflation rates.

Two things I would like to make sure she is asked during the debates is "Does the President have to obey the law?" If she answers yes, "Will you obey the law?" because clearly Barack Obama did not.



I guess if she gets the nod from the Cheating primary rigging DNC, we will find out for ourselves.

bandicam 2014-09-25 11-35-03-726

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I think Bernie should run again. Though I think dems will put forward kamala and Cory Booker. Booker is being prepped now for a bid with the marijuana justice act