Couple fined 20K for coming home!

in canada •  4 years ago

In this Fight The Fines story, Gary and Cheli Vosburgh share their experience travelling to Mexico and what ensued as they tried to return home to Canada. Facing two fines each, four in total for a combined amount of $20,000 (plus tax), they expressed relief at being accepted as clients of our civil liberties campaign.

Gary and Cheli Vosburgh, senior citizens, found Canada so oppressive that last February they flew to Mexico, Cheli’s country of birth, and toured Mexico for 3 months, hoping that the police-state style dictatorship that had shut down Chela’s home business would be ended. That time in Mexico was the happiest vacation of all because there they were free. Coming back to Canada they refused to be confined in some secret hotel and returned to their home as is the right of every Canadian under our laws. They are being helped by Rebel News’ “Fight the Fines” pro bono legal team to have our courts throw out the $25,000 in double fines they were given.

In my personal opinion, I marvel that anyone is petitioning the law courts to fight these fines, since the courts have proven themselves to be increasingly co-operative with the very aggressive advance of arbitrary, lawless government here in what was a free country even before this latest cruel “Pandemic” lockdown police dictatorship. My country has become a sociological laboratory testing how quickly and efficiently a country based on Common Law and constitutionally guaranteed rights and democratic representative government can be transformed into a communist dictatorship.

What else but a communist dictatorship would see magistrates imprisoning a man for calling his daughter she and objecting to his 14 year old daughter being given harmful sex change hormones without his consent? What else do you call a country that would imprison people and harass and fine and terrify people who have done no harm and committed no crime except to insist on the law being adhered to by the government and police?

An oppressive and arbitrary dictatorship has been thrown over our people like a blinding hood is thrown over a man being rousted out of his home in the dead of night by secret police and taken away to a GULAG. The excuse for this horror is the declaration of a State of Emergency in March of 2020. Emergency was declared and all the machinery of arbitrary lawless military dictatorship was activated as if we were at war or as if we had been attacked by an armed insurrection.

There is no war, and no insurrection on the part of our peaceful and law abiding people. There is no threat to public health and never was. The Covid-19 disease has never, by our CDC, been declared to have an average death rate higher than 0.05%. Some 90% of those who have died of this disease have been people well over 80 who resided in care homes because they already suffered from two or more terminal health problems. The danger from this disease to healthy people under 30 is so minuscule that they risk more harm just by walking across an intersection when the light says Walk.

Children under 16 have far more danger from flu than from the SARS-2 (allegedly novel, allegedly extant, allegedly different from flu or even the common cold) coronavirus. Yet small children in schools have had their mouths and noses covered for hours a day, five days a week, starving them of oxygen and poisoning their blood with re-breathed carbon dioxide, because the Teachers’ Unions have seized the opportunity to get more power and money from the government by strangling children while the smiling courts look on and do nothing.

The State of Emergency declaration was cancelled here in BC by our provincial Minister of Public Safety, Mike Farnsworth, as of July 1, 2021. The State of Emergency is the sole legalistic excuse for the arbitrary powers of detention and business closures and police harassment that have turned this country into the Soviet Socialist Republic of Canada, a sort of North Korea with a smily face. After this outrage has been cancelled all over this land – and it will be – it will be time for our people to push back, in the courts and in the voting booth, against the creeping slow insurrection which really menaces us. Arbitrary dictatorship of the far left sanctioned at the highest levels of our governments has proven to be deadly to our lawful and peaceful society. Roll it back!

The details of the harassment and intimidation that the Vosburghs were subjected to upon arrival to their country and ours are well worth hearing about. On the Vosburgh’s red-eye flight back home Air Canada flight attendants prodded and poked Mr Vosburgh in his sleep because his mask had slipped down off his nose. Upon arrival the Vosburghs faced a human-sized mouse maze to get out of the airport. The guarantees of rights printed on the first page of their Canadian passports were turned into a bad joke by state officials who herded them and yelled at them to make them “consent”. Self-isolated in their home, as is their perfect legal right, they were ordered to answer the phone if a certain number called and every day they were surveilled and bullied by the government as if they were criminals under house arrest. On day six of this house arrest the Health Department called the OPP and officers showed up at their door to check on the whereabouts of Cheli as if she were not a citizen but a foreign criminal under surveillance. She was in the shower when was told that “the police want you” and she was obliged to get out of the shower, wrap up in her bathrobe and answer the questions of the police for fear she might be hauled away if she said the wrong thing. Can you imagine what that would feel like?

Mr Vosburgh, now 70, was born in Canada, “It was a good Canada for many years,” he says. But now Canada is “a fearful place if you stand up for your rights” and if you don’t, if you are cowed and submit? “You will be a very sorry people,” says Mr Vosburgh and I say he’s sadly correct about that.

All of us should see and hear what ordinary, peaceful Canadians are being subjected to. Our peaceful people follow the law, our government stomps on the law. Ask me if I love my country, if I am proud of my country, go ahead. I used to be, but that feeling is withering and dying faster than I am. I’m 74. I’m not in love with my country, I’m afraid of my country. I’m fearfully hoping to pass away soon enough to keep my meagre pensions and my slender savings and my bit of dignity intact before I pass. That’s what I feel about my country now.

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