Inducing neurosis with the Covid Psy-op.

in canada •  3 years ago 


Neurosis (def)

  1. a relatively mild mental illness that is not caused by organic disease, involving symptoms of stress (depression, anxiety, obsessive behaviour, hypochondria) but not a radical loss of touch with reality. [Oh really?]

2.(in nontechnical use) excessive and irrational anxiety or obsession.

A friend just sent me two links for my information. I replied:

"Thanks. The Chossudovsky interview is new to me and I need more data on Graphene Oxide. The second link is an ominous experience because all the video has been blanked out and clicking on the grey spots takes you to adverts localized in Edmonton AB. Which tells me the page has been censored by federal Canada (I can hardly type the name of my country anymore, so revolted am I by Canada). Fortunately I have heard Dr McCullough on material from the USA and I'm sure many of us have heard him…"

My friends here in my town could use the information on treatment of the respiratory illnesses that we are told to call Covid. But apparently the Canadian Health Bureaucracy and the Prime Minister’s Office doesn’t want any of us to know how to improve our health ourselves using simple inexpensive off-the-shelf vitamins and medicines. I’m assuming that that sort of information might cause the dreaded “Vaccine Reluctance” and annoy Pfizer. The Prime Minister has Pfizer far up into his deepest back-door priorities, to put it far too politely. Mustn’t annoy Pfizer or Moderna or the WHO; these commitments far overshadow commitments to our lives and livelihoods. The Prime Minister might as well relax. I have tried to give my friends here all that information on this Covid stuff and they are completely impervious.

My best friend now is a man my age who has been completely swallowed by the Covid propaganda, has had one Pfizer jab and will take jab two, and is obsessed with insisting on wearing a cloth mask and demanding that I wear a mask (not over my nose or I wouldn't ride with him) when we ride together in his van to our weekly brunch downtown. I heard him explain to another of our friends that the jab "reduces the symptoms... you get more antibodies so a faster response... in five days your lungs start filling with fluid..." I silently retired from persuasion in despair.

There is nothing I can do. I have given him information; I have given him Dr Bhakdi's superb 18 minute lecture on the spike proteins and their effect. If after seeing that he can still spout the nonsense – and he's a very smart man! – I am facing neurosis. The vast Covid Psy-op has induced neurosis in my friend by digging into his deep unconscious fears of dirt, infection and contamination and playing on his ignorance of science and his consequent superstitious dread and unconscious worship of The Science – inner forces he shares with millions of educated people today. My friend has been a counsellor and is deeply read in Jungian psychology and yet that doesn’t help him to get any objectivity whatsoever. It shocks me. He’s hypnotized. He is a victim of induced neurosis.

The Covid Psy-op is cleverly designed to do that on a mass scale. The executive end of the Covid/Pandemic Psychological Operation is international covert Intelligence, the central office of which is the CIA. This agency and its brothers, principally MI6, have spent 75 years in the service of international corporate dynastic wealth and in that service they have gained preponderating influence in every public medium (and over the last 20 years in every digital medium even as founders) and they have become experts in hypnotizing the global masses. They have induced neurosis in millions of people, this is the core of our problem.

This is what has resulted from a year and a half of conditioning done to a plan schooled by a human lifetime of acquisition of skills in perverting, torturing, drugging and hypnotizing individuals in experimental settings from Haight Ashbury in the 1960s to Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay. These methods of mind destruction and mind control are scalable and applicable to the masses. This is the terrible success of the terrible experiment of the last year. Canada is an intense laboratory for research in this diabolical skill. Few of us here have any knowledge of the CIA's MKUltra program in the '60s and the CIA funded research carried on by Dr Ewan Cameron using LSD overdoses on unsuspecting mental patients. This is one item I know which goes into my picture of what has been done and what is now being done by the CIA here in Canada.

Yesterday was brunch day. Every Tuesday my friend picks me up in his van and we ride to our old favourite Chinese Dim Sum restaurant for brunch and spritely conversation with old friends. This has been our little tradition for many years. But in recent years dark controversies have shadowed us and caused rifts. There was the "Climate Change" (psychological mass operation) and then there was a parade of other psy-ops too numerous to detail (Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, etc) on which I took a contrary stand. One man who had been a friend back then was especially angered that I didn't believe the Climate Crisis and the CO2 (psy-op). It was years ago that he actually yelled at me in the restaurant and in my friend’s van riding us back to our homes. And that was the last time I was in his company until yesterday when I found that my old friend had brought him along and he was sitting up front in the passenger seat with his face covered in a surgical mask. I had my paper mask in my pocket as I boarded the back seats of the van ready to accommodate my old friend's neurosis by wearing it but I was too slow bringing it out. This former friend began to shout at me. "Where's your mask? Where's your mask?! I'm not riding with you, you turd!" He jumped out of the van, slammed the door and walked off. Shocked, my old friend in the driver's seat dithered. I said. "Who gives a shit. Let's go."

We drove away. My friend said he'd appreciate my wearing a mask. By that time I had it on. "I'm wearing a mask, Bill!" I said and we rode to our downtown restaurant in silence. It turned out to be a pleasant brunch although for me overshadowed. It’s a dark shadow, the shadow of diabolical wings. Believe what you want, I know that a venerable college of the science of torture is grasping at our hearts and they want us to deliver up our children and the future of all humanity to their control.

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