State of Emergency and the powers granted.

in canada •  4 years ago 


The mask mandate in place in Calgary, and Calgary alone in all of Alberta, came to a vote by City Council on July 5th. Outside City Hall a group of protesters gathered peacefully and lawyers and others advocating for an end to the mandate spoke to the gathering. I paraphrase what they said:

Living in a lie kills your soul. It is a lie that masks work, it is a lie that lockdowns work, it is a lie that there is a health crisis in this country. There is a crisis in this country. It is a truth and civil liberties crisis. Your open face, showing it and seeing others’ faces, is deeply important to your identity and your experience of being a free and truthful person. For the state to demand and get control over your face, to cover it up, is a primary violation of your right to be free, to be in honest communication with others, even to breath. The state is presuming to take control of your identity and even your human right to breath freely. If the state can get you to obey orders so absurd and contradictory and arbitrary, they’ve got you beaten and they can get you to do anything.

// (End of paraphrase.)

In my opinion, this is an imperialistic assault on our liberties by a bureaucratic ideological movement embedding itself in our governing institutions which is in such contradiction to our traditional liberties, liberties enshrined in our laws and our constitution and basic to the very fabric of our social and familial life, that either our laws and liberties will live or this dictatorial bureaucracy will live and go on to even more extensive dictatorship.

Call them socialists, call them communists, call them the Woke ideologues – the names don’t matter. Whatever you want to call them, they are deeply embedded in our universities, our civil service, our education, our government departments. They are serious. They are determined to so transform our society to the model of their ideology that if they have their way our history, our social structure, our family relations, our religious faiths and our very identity as a free people, will be burnt to the ground. Their revolution is being sold by their propaganda as being for our good. They believe truly that their absolute power is the first essential for them to do this goodness upon us against our will. I believe that the Covid pandemic declaration and the immediate declaration of a state of emergency was secretly welcomed by these true believing Wokesters as a golden opportunity.

Thankfully the Calgary City Council voted to cancel the mask mandate which had remained in place only in Calgary and cancelled everywhere else in Alberta, absurdly enough. Mask mandates in British Columbia were cancelled as of July 1, Canada Day 2021. The BC province-wide State of Emergency that had been declared in March of 2020, and subsequently extended several times, was cancelled by our provincial Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Mike Farnsworth as of July 1. This meant that our mask mandates are unsustainable and therefore the BC government immediately cancelled mask mandates in all interior spaces; the flashing signs on our busses had been displaying “Masks Mandated”, now they display “Masks Recommended”.

The Covid restrictions and vaccine programs have not been challenged in our courts. The basis of the claim by governments of extraordinary powers is based solely on the State of Emergency that was declared all over Canada, and indeed all over the globe, in March of 2020. That declaration of emergency has never been justified by the plain and official CDC statistics but the government has never been challenged in court to justify what has never been justifiable. Hopefully this will soon be brought to a decision. The necessity for the courts and the law to wake up and bring the government to account in court is immediate and dire.

Now that the State of Emergency declaration is crumbling, no doubt in the face of public discontent and disbelief, the struggle now moves to the various institutions and corporations which have gained a sense of power during, and because of, the Covid alleged emergency. Teachers unions, for instance, have demanded the right to put masks on children in school and have even suggested that Covid vaccinations should be done on children in school without their parents consent. The Covid (really nonexistent) “crisis" and declaration of a state of emergency has given many formerly obscure bureaucrats a novel and dangerously intoxicating taste of dictatorial power.

The teachers unions and the school boards in Canada and the USA have been advancing their claims to power over parents, children and teachers for many years on the pretext of other issues. The "Trans Rights" movement has been taken up and under the rubric of “sex education” transexual ideology has been taught to kids as young as 6 in California and in Ontario and other places. Now the newest ideological flavour is “Critical Race Theory” and teachers unions in the USA are leading the charge to have indoctrination in CRT taught in elementary schools.

For the uninitiated, CRT teaches that white people are all oppressors and black and brown people are all victims and this is because of the immutable colour of the skin; the solution is for the races to be separated and white children to be disadvantaged and derided against children with darker skin.

No. I’m not kidding. I’m only stating in plain English what the proponents of CRT disguise in weasel words. What they propose is Racial Segregation and discrimination by skin colour to be established in law. They lie and say that the USA and Canada are racist societies advantaging whites against black, brown and indigenous people. And not only that, they allege that we are ruled by systemic racism, racism embedded in law and government.

Anybody that lives a peaceful and ordinary life in our countries knows perfectly well that though racist attitudes are expressed by some people the society in which they live and work is not racist in the least. Police forces, for instance are visibly seen to be staffed by people of all races without any discrimination. I work on UBC campus and I can tell you racism does not exist on our campus. Students and staff from all over the world mix freely without any distinction. As a matter of peace and order and functionality, how could it be otherwise here where a multiracial society has been the reality in BC for 200 years?

The Woke revolutionaries which have entrenched themselves in our universities for decades are moving more aggressively not to eliminate systemic racism (you can’t eliminate what doesn’t exist) but to establish systemic racism (and systemic sexism, come to that) by re-establishing racial discrimination in hiring, only this time it’s white people, especially heterosexual white men, who will be discriminated against. This they call justice. Literally, Injustice is Justice in their Orwellian ideology.

This is a war. It is a war for your soul. The Covid crisis is just one part of it. I hope we are seeing the end of the beginning but we have not yet seen the beginning of the end.

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