My wife and I have been living in Campbellton Nb for the past 11 years. Prior to that we wer e in Saint Jon Nb for 11 months.
View from my home office. Taken through closed window with my Canon EOS Rebel T5
Before we moved to new Brunswick we lived in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Both Campbellton and Thunder Bay are located in the northern part of their respective provicnes. Howevr, while Campbellton is located near the northern border of NB and Quebec, there is still a lot of north before you hit Ontario's norhern border.
This Friday we move back to Onatrio to a town loctaed about an hour's drive north of Onatrio's capital city, Ottawa.
WE have move about 12 times over the past 35 yerrs. This, we hope, will be our last. We both love books. When we finished pakcing, about tweny minutes ago, there were 50 boxes and 25 of them contained books. This is after giving away to the local SPCA, at least 100 books.