What The Duck? A Story of Government Waste

in canada150 •  7 years ago 

I was looking at an online article earlier this week thinking that it was a joke started by one of those fake news sources such as the Onion or the Beaverton.

I didn't give it much more thought until the MSM outlets also started reporting the same story. What was it you ask? It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a......Rubber-duck-1.jpg

A six story rubber duck costing $120,000 dollars! It's going to be floating in the Toronto harbour for Canada's 150th birthday celebrations.

A Canada goose or a Loon would make sense given Canada's history, but a duck? Needless to say that there are many people "in a flap" over the price tag.

As for me, I wonder if this guy will show up.

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This big rubber duck was installed in Seoul as well.

Interesting @netxy

Seems like a waste.

I'm inclined to agree with you. Ontario's tax dollars at work.