In todays world things Lincoln said would be unacceptable.

in cancel •  3 years ago 


Honestly, I'm rather ambivalent about the removal of certain statues. You don't learn history from statues. If they wanna take down to statue if Alexander Stephens which is, apparently, still standing in Jacksonville, I'm not gonna bitch about it.

But, these manics have gone so far as to insist that we "cancel Lincoln." They've defaced monuments to abolitionists.

I'd like to remind people of the logical conclusion to "cancelling" any figure in history who owned slaves.

Afterall, there was a founder of a rather large religion who owned slaves. No, there aren't any status of him to tear down. There aren't even paintings. But, if we're gonna "cancel Lincoln" shouldn't we also cancel a person who actually owned slaves?

I doubt anybody is who is shouting "Cancel Lincoln!" or even the people who just want to cancel Confederate figures is willing to be intellectually and morally consistent here.

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