I've never understood how merely being wrong/misguided can get someone canceled.

in cancel •  3 years ago 


I'm not a fan of cancel-culture anyway. It's the ultimate expression of armchair activism to do nothing more than congratulate yourself for rebuking a celebrity. It's a way to pat yourself on the back and procure woke cred without actually risking anything. Not to mention that canceling often does more to bolster the canceled person than undermine them.

However, if you must engage in such crusades of self-gratification, at least pick people who actually DID something wrong.
Whoopi Goldberg is incorrect. Her comments were misguided. I'd go so far as to say they were downright offensive.

Big deal?

So she was wrong. All of us hold misguided perspectives and beliefs. Most of us would be canceled in five minutes if we held that sort of platform.

All we can reasonably ask is that folks remain open-minded, critical, and vigilant concerning potential personal blind-spots. That they either apologize for misguided comments or defend comments on an intellectual level should they choose to double down.

It seems to me like Goldberg meets that criteria in this case.

I'm not a fan. I don't think I've ever been able to sit through a full episode of the View. Some people say she deserves cancelation because she's been quick to cancel others for making similar mistakes.

I don't know anything about that. What I know is that you're validating cancel culture run amok. So, if you truly sew that as a problem, refuse to be a part of it regardless of whether she is or not.

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