I don’t know if it is the most devastating event to have a medical doctor catch you unawares, at a time when you are feeling strong, healthy, happy and energized, with the words, “you have cancer, and it’s bad. If I took a knife and ran it down your spine and open your back up like a book, all I would see is tumors;” but it is pretty high on the list of devastating moments for a human. Then the doctor continues, describing the chemo he will be prescribing. The mind races for strategies on what to do when facing a moment like that. Frozen with shocked as the non stop onslaught of terrifying words continued, the question falls out of my mouth, “ What about nutrition I can improve my diet; I don’t want to make a rash decision right here and know.” To which the doctor replies, “Changing your diet is not going to help you. You can eat all the whoopee pies you want. You are making me feel very uncomfortable talking about nutrients and nutrition; listen to me, if you do not start chemo in a few weeks, within three months you won’t be able to function.” After more gruesome words, and refusing to work with me on any other options but chemo, I was walked into the counselor’s office. Not a therapeutic counselor to help me adjust to what I was just told, but to a financial counselor, who had the office directly across from the doctor’s consulting/treatment room, to help me figure out how I was going to pay for all this, as I did not have health insurance.
It was a Monday; I was supposed to leave for my son’s wedding, 3000 thousand miles a way, later that week. I was told that my spleen was so severely enlarged that even hitting a pot hole on the road could erupt it, and I could bleed to death. A plane? Well, bad turbulence could do the same thing; it was that precarious, according to the doctors. I was planning on driving anyway. I remember sitting at the beach thinking, “It’s my son’s wedding, I am not going to miss it.” Of course, I did not tell my son. I told only those on a need to know basis. Only two people at the wedding knew, my daughter and her husband.
Driving across the country, it weighed heavily on my mind if I would even make it to my son’s wedding, or if my spleen would erupt on the way and I would die in some hospital that an ambulance would take me to, some where between the East and West coasts. Road trips, especially cross country road trips, leaves a lot of time for thinking. But I didn’t think much. I more or less was in a meditative state thinking of nothing, just watching the scenery. Once in a while, at the beginning of the trip, I would ask my spouse, “Do you think I will make it to the wedding?” The reply was always, “I don’t know?” We both were in shock. Then I decided I needed to focus on a song to sing. The song, “Staying Alive”, popped into my head. We retrieved the lyrics from the phone. I wrote them down and sang the song all across the country. It must have been a sign, because as soon as we got to our destination and entered a restaurant, that song was playing on the radio. We did end up rushing to a hospital once, as suddenly, I couldn’t swallow. When I drank through a straw, the liquid bubble up and out through my mouth. To this day, I don’t know what caused that. But I was high in the mountains, and I was living at sea level; perhaps that had something to do with it, I don’t know. It happened once again, a few months later, when I again went to the mountains.
The wedding was marvelous. Good for my spirits. And I danced, perhaps too wildly. But if I was going to drop dead from an erupted spleen, so be it when I was dancing and having a good time. But it didn’t erupt. On the long ride home, it was hard, as I again had to face the reality of what I was against. I consulted two different medical doctors on the way home, both who were known to be opened to options other than chemo. The first told me to go home and get on chemo immediately; this shocked me. The second suggested I could take a take a smaller amount of chemo, but also brought my attention to an alternative clinic in Utah that she was connected to that used different modalities than chemo to treat cancer.
Like all the doctors I consulted, when they first saw me, they smiled, as I was the picture of health; yet, as they read my medical records their smiles quickly disappeared. When I first interviewed the clinic director of this Utah Clinic, he was reassuring and hopeful that I probably would not have to come out to the clinic and that I could just take the medicine he prescribed, and we could work long distance as long as I was working with a medical doctor in my hometown. When the cat scans and other records arrived at his office, I was called immediately, and told to come out to the clinic at once. Shocked by their sudden change of opinion, I answered that I would consider it in a few months. The medical director curtly responded, “You probably don’t have a few months. In a few months, we probably won’t be able to help you; it will be too late”. I was tired of hearing that from doctors, yet, I consulted with another medical doctor who told me to, “high tail it out there immediately;” and so I did. It wasn’t the severely enlarge spleen that concerned them, but the number of tumors, let alone their size, especially the ones on my back that worried them.
There was no invasive treatment. I did not go on chemo. Diet was a huge part. So was IV Vitamin C, and other nutrient treatments. But a large part of the treatment was light, oxygen, ozone and electric treatment, as in Rife technology. I was on about four different Rife machines for four weeks. But in addition to the Rife machines, I also used a large Multi-Wave- Oscillator. It is another electronic device, invented decades ago, which some claim to complement the Rife machines. They both seem to work on the principle that life forms absorb energy. Just by sitting between this machine, for fifteen minutes, five days a week, the Multi-Wave- Oscillator was said to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease, while the Rife machines destroyed microorganisms. It seems technology from a hundred years ago was effective at curing cancer.
How quickly I learned, as it was in my face, of the “politics of medicine”. It was a battle between relatively inexpensive, natural, non evasive, and electrical treatment that seemed to work well, versus the big bully of the multi- billion dollar industry of the pharmaceuticals that claimed a monopoly of medical choice, that usually ended with bankrupting you fast, and could often do more hurt than good in the fight of healing from cancer.
The literature of history states that Georges Lakhovsky, who invented the Multi-Wave- Oscillator, produced “a ninety-eight percent success rate in treating fatal cancers over an eleven-year period” by using his invention. I am opposed to the financial greed, and overreaching power of the AMA to monopolize the medical world, and deny me the right to use the medical treatment that I, and my doctors think can best help me. And yet, my biggest challenge in getting the help and support I needed was the mainstream world of medicine, that is the AMA, their regulations, and their control over doctors. It was horrendous enough fighting for my life, but I also had to battle them! It was a very lonely place to be.
According to what I have read, The Multi-Wave-Oscillator is part Tesla Coil, and uses the earth energies to heal. I am hardly an expert on it. But what I can tell you, is that I think that of all the things I did, I think this device was a huge part in keeping me alive. When I was at the clinic, I would see tumors shrink after being on it. It’s not an automatic cure. One parent brought in a child with a huge tumor on her head, after the medical establishment said the child only had two weeks to live. I did watch her tumor shrink, while she was there, but it was too late. Had they brought the child in three months earlier maybe she would have lived. That machine would shrink tumors; and I think that is why they wanted me at that clinic pronto as soon as they saw my cat scan and pathology report, I think it shrunk all the tumors the doctors were so worried about. It appeared to have bought me time for my body to heal itself with the other modalities that I was using. I read that Lakhovsky's MWO , a high frequency sine wave device of a sustained frequency, was used in some American Hospitals until 1942 and in Europe for about fifteen years. “It was ordered removed from the US hospitals that were using it shortly after Lakhovsky’s death from a car accident in 1942;” despite its success in curing cancer patients.
Every disease affects every person differently. But one of the things that I know for sure is that there are many ways to heal. There are, in my opinion, many cures for cancer, but the mainstream medical world often puts them out of reach for most people by suppressing the information or making them illegal. Most of the medical community would not touch me with a fifty foot pole when they found out I turned down chemo. My own personal physician refused to give me a prescription for IV C, though he said he would help me in any way he could, meaning what was “standard of care”. The last medical doctor I went to, after reading my medical records, wanted me to watch videos on hospice care! I told him I was there for him to help me figure out strategies to live…. not to prepare me to die!
If you, or a loved one are living through one of these devastating moments in life, if you have heard the words “you have cancer, and it’s terminal”, I will not judge you for following your mainstream doctor’s advice, or deciding to go on chemo. What I will do is hope that you, or some advocate, will fight for you to find options that will work for you. Start immediately with diet and good nutrition, and go from there. Find medical doctors who do know options, and there are many of them. It can feel like a frightening maze you are thrown into with no direction, guidance or support, but there is so much more organisations available now then when I started looking. Reading the website, “Cancer Tutor,” has endless SOLID information. Ty Bollinger’s work would be an ethical person to follow, as would Chris Wark, of the website, “Chris Beats Cancer”, or Dr Kevin Connors.... just do an internet search on them. There are doctors in every state that can help you, but you need to find them through research and references. When one is given that diagnosis, it is a vertical learning curb to what you must do, and the average medical expert in the fancy cancer hospital, or any hospital, usually only provides, “standard of care”. The doctor, who helped me on my journey on sorting out my strategies to live, so that I could heal, was in western Pennsylvania. Blessings to your health, and know that the body can heal. Please allow your body the support it needs to heal. I am sending waves of healing energy to you all so that you live healthy and happily in 2018, and for many more years to come. Blessings
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