I need your ideas and inspiration for my post cancer bucket list fund raiser..

in cancer •  4 years ago 

I've had a tough few years. I'm 38 and single and have been living with my mother since she got cancer 3 years ago. Last year I finally saved up some money and went travelling in Asia. Whilst in Cambodia I was drugged, robbed and left for dead. Whilst in the Cambodian hospital I saw some terrible things including an infant die. When I returned home from holiday I found I just didn't want to leave the house and was in constant fear. I was subsequently diagnosed with PTSD

This affected my ability to work, manage my finances and I ended up in financial dire straits, I would need to sell my home to put things right. I went to therapy, I put the house on the market and slowly I healed myself... Just as I was building up the confidence to go outside again the Coronavirus struck and due to my mothers health conditions I was forced to isolate with her.

The same week restrictions were lifted on going out I noticed something wasn't right downstairs. After a visit to the doctors and then subsequently to the hospital I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. My operation was about 2 months ago and I have just finished chemotherapy.

After my diagnosis, I was quite worried that I was going to die so I've drawn up a bucket list - mainly locations I would like to visit from Antarctica to Safari in Kenya to Machu Pichi in Peru to The Great Pyramids of Giza. I think I could probably cover at least the cost of flights to all these places out of my savings but would like to make it into a kind of travel the globe vlog. I would like to try and fund the whole project through earning and investing crypto around the world - seeing how it is used in each country and I would like to give the proceeds and ongoing revenue after ive finished to a testicular cancer charity - that helps men who have had to go through what I have gone through...

Its an incomplete idea - and I welcome all your ideas and suggestions on how I can complete my bucket list whilst trying to raise funds for testicular cancer sufferers. How would you go about it? Is there an angle I am missing here?

Where would you go and what would you do?

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