Golden Key to being Cancer Free

in cancer •  8 years ago  (edited)

I have been reading articles on how to stay cancer free. I enjoy all the articles on steemit. They very well put together. Imo better then the News on TV. Some say eat certain foods, to exercise, to even meditation is the key to living a healthy happy life style. I agree it is part of being a healthy person, but its a puzzle we continue to put together for living in a optimal healthy state. With all the fake news in the world these days its important to do our own research. What I have learned is the most important thing to staying cancer free is changing the environment we live in. And I have had results because I have not had a cold in over 7 years.

So how do we find out results on people that avoided cancer and lived long happy life? Its quite simple actually look at where people live the longest. Always look for results when it comes to research. And to my surprise it is Japan. I figured when the United States dropped a hydrogen bomb on Japan and the nuclear reactors leak, it would be a place people died quite early. I began to dig deeper not at just why people in Japan live longer, but who in Japan lives the longest and stay cancer free. And the people that live the longest grow their own food, lived on a farm away from the city, and work in fields daily staying active.

So what are the key things they are avoiding that others don't? The main ingredient is pollution. Ever think of that smog that comes out of a car, what it does to our health? This goes into the very air we breathe and straight into our blood stream. Here’s how smog affects the human body. "A mixture of the small PM2.5 particles get directly into our bloodstream by sneaking through the tiniest air sacs called alveoli. Once in our blood stream, these air pollution particles act like cigarette smoke, triggering inflammation that makes cholesterol more sticky. This in turn promotes cholesterol blockages that build up and can cause heart attacks years later." Rick Donahue, MD. So who knows what else pollution/ smog does to the human body. Part of why someone becomes tired or lethargic is the body can't breathe in fresh new air leading to a lower immune system. The lower our immune system is the less chance it has of combating sickness and if we can't combat sickness how can we combat cancer? If we do live in the city and we have to stay for work, family, or it is just environment we like, we can still build a healthy life style around it. A way to give our body a break is days off/ weekends go places that is away from smog and pollution and let our body breathe in some fresh air. I enjoy going out in nature, fishing, rock climbing, etc. It is just as a car needs new oil sometimes our body just needs some new fresh air.

The next thing important to avoid is EMF radiation. EMF is called Electromagnetic Field. This is something the Japanese farmers avoid. They live in wooden cabin/ hut type homes. They are EMF free basically. What does this EMF do? The same type of problems pollution causes. It can change our natural frequencies in our body to unhealthy frequencies leading to unhealthy disease/tissue. People have complained of stomach, brain, etc. type cancer from electronics they use. So how do we find out where this EMF radiation is? We simply buy a EMF reader. We go around the house, including the walls to find out where the highest EMF readings are. THe microwave oven, the fridge, head phones, wire less keyboard/mouse, lap top computer, and even our very own cell phone. The worst place I found high EMF was where my head slept by the wall. I pulled the bed away from the wall and slept on the other side of the bed ( took awhile to get used to). I went from wireless key board and mouse to wired. I threw my heads phones away. Being realistic we can't throw away our cell phone. So I talk more on speaker and tell people to text over talking. So these are some ways to avoid EMF radiation even if we don't live on a farm.

The last thing I noticed about these Japanese people that live the longest is the are very active with farming. Its incorporated in what they do in their every day life so it isn't a burden to do. Not everyone likes to work out and the be honest most of us don't have time for it. So what can we do to stay more active? Its very simple incorporate it just like the Japanese do with our daily life. We can simply park further away when we go to the grocery store. That extra walking can be great exercise and we don't even realize it because we are doing something active like shopping. Say we have a desk job. We can always just buy a desk cycle. And simply pedal under our desk and get exercise while we sit down( I am doing it right now btw). Say we have a hot date. Why not do something more active like going for a walk instead of dinner and a movie? If we really like the person the last thing we will be thinking about is the exercise we are doing. Instead we will be to busy enjoying the company with that person. I am sure we can find even more enjoyable exercise that can be done with our date too =). The point is being active doesn't mean going to the gym or it has to be something that takes up to much time. We can simple build a more active life style around the way we live.

So the Golden Key to being Cancer free is to first put our bodies in a healthy environment. I know many people who eat in a very unhealthy way but live a very long time without cancer and people that have eaten very healthy to end up with cancer. If we are around a lot pollution, EMF radiation and not staying active it wont matter how healthy we eat. So lets make sure the environment we live in is healthy for our bodies. If its not do some research, make some environmental changes and maybe everyone can avoid even something as small as the common cold as I have for the last 7 years and avoid more serious problem and pain people face today with cancer. I watched my father go through it and I hope nobody else ever does. God Bless to all and hope everyone stays healthy.

Life expectancy at birth- Twitter
Pollution- Styles At Life
Common Source of Radiation-
Elderly exercising- Eat to cheat ageing
Golden Key- Unity Church of the Hills

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Interesting article. Cancer is a cruel disease that destroys the persons health and their loved ones on some level too.