Considering Cannabis? Here are some things to think about when contemplating using cannabis for your cancer.

in cancer •  9 years ago  (edited)

A Few Notes Regarding Cannabis and Cancer 

Most of the uncertainty about cannabis has come about from improper use of it for treating cancer. When used properly and in combination with other proper tools, cannabis is indeed a life-saver, and not just the butter-rum kind. The confusion comes from improper application, incorrect strain selection, improper decarboxylation and dosage issues. Let me lay out for you what I've found in the last eight years.

#1 Smoking cannabis will not kill cancer. Ingesting cannabis is the easiest way to dose yourself with the levels of cannabinoids needed.

#2 Cannabis with 3% or more CBD is the minimum recommended level of CBD. The THC level must be at least 1% as well. MOST recreational strains of cannabis today have less than 1% CBD. Pure CBD is marginally effective, mostly a waste. (Yes, that includes all of the 'legal' CBD products for sale right now) 

#3 Full plant extract is preferred over pure thc or cbd offerings. Full plant extracts, especially with ethanol, retain a majority of the terpenes. These terpenes are necessary for full efficacy of cannabis. Butane/Propane extractions destroy the majority of terpenes. Isopropyl alcohol is toxic and considered a contaminant.

#4 Decarboxylation must be around 3/4ths complete with some THCA and CBDA still remaining. (Look up cannabis decarboxylation)

#5 Mix with real olive oil, not the uncertified stuff from the grocery store. The absorption rates are high for all types of people and blood types. Coconut oil is only aborbed/digested by a small segment of the population, contrary to popular postings.

#6 The most effective application is rectally, using 1/3rd the normal ingestion dosage and travelling straight to the heart and lungs. I urge caution as too high of a dosage can potentially cause a healing crisis. 

#7 Cancer tissue is very dense, initial contact with high THC levels can actually increase tumor size as it heals. The 'normal' tissue is much less dense, taking additional space, causing the dimensions of tumors to swell in size. This is normal. This can also be an issue with brain and lung patients, due to the pressures and possible airway closures that can result.

Additional Beneficial Activities

Cannabis is wonderful, it is not a super hero though. Cancer is most often a result of an inbalance in the body, most typically an acidic diet combined with emotional trauma. Creating a more alkaline environment in the body and dropping emotional baggage goes a long way toward helping cannabis correct the imbalance.

The most effective methods of creating a more alkaline system is through a combination of choosing your foods by your blood type and choosing more alkaline foods than acidic. Simply avoiding heavily processed and artificial food ingredients will help immensely. You will find a number of Cancer Beneficial foods for each blood type and secretor status. You'll notice they're mainly alkaline foods as well. 

Emotional baggage is created any time we have a traumatic event in our lives. Relationships, physical injuries and just about any situation where a high state of negative emotion was experienced, our psyche picks up 'baggage' or unhelpful programming from it. Injuries that prevent you from doing regular activities, especially couples activity, often leads to additional baggage after the initial accident. 

Hanging on to emotional baggage contributes to an acidic sysystem. The removal of the baggage allows the body to work freely and without acidic contribution. One of the quickest and most effective systems I've discovered to date comes from

These additional activities are not only extremely beneficial to cancer patients, they're also beneficial for nearly any physical and mental malady humans can suffer from. Removing foods that aggravate the issue and mental baggage that compounds pain and other issues allows you to treat the real issue, with significantly lower pain levels.

Ask your questions below, I will answer with the information I have or help you in the right direction to find those who do. :)

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Great post! Thanks for sharing the benefits of Cannabis for Cancer patients. We have a few testimonials to these benefits in Puerto Rico. One of the most impactful ones is a local TV personality with terminal Pancreatic Cancer who has made a complete recovery and is doing well, even after a year.

My pleasure, :)

In 2007 I laughed at the mention of medicinal cannabis (I lived in a prohibition state) and in 2008 I found out it's actually as medicinal as people have said it is. Since then I've spent a good amount of time looking into the proper preparation and application of it.

I'm autistic and have neuropathic, physical pain and seizures. Cannabis brings me significant relief without prescription drugs and pain killers. :D

Keep it Clean!

I'm probably going to take a deeper look into this as I have a 17 year old Autistic boy and a 15 year old cancer-surviving princess. Thanks again!

You're quite welcome, happy to pass on good info.
The cannabis is awesome for anxiety and mood control, two major factors with autism.

I actually grow a specific type of Canna-Tsu that does not inebriate at all. All the benefits of cannabis without the high, stone or any inebriation. Only improvements, great for kids. I'm in Fairplay, Colorado and pass out rooted cuts occasionally.

Be good to yourself :)

But... but mom always told me to stay away from the devil's lettuce...

Funny. Your mother was lied to though, just like today.

The most dangerous thing about cannabis is prohibition.

I completely forgot baking soda and blackstrap molasses.

Make sure you look this up and use an accurate digital pH meter. Severely acidic systems will benefit from baking soda and molasses treatments, until eating the correct and alkaline foods balances the body out.

Be good to yourselves! :D

Ethanol is also toxic to humans. In fact it is more toxic than isopropyl, it's just that isopropyl will blind you before killing you. Ethanol will just kill you.
Also, I would like to see the study that proves coconut oil is only absorbed/digested by a small percentage of the population. Most of coconut oil is medium-chain triglycerides which are easily digested by humans. Most of those MCT are in the form of lauric acid which is found in breast milk. There is a small percentage of the population that has trouble digesting fats, but they would also have trouble digesting olive oil.
I would also like to see peer reviewed evidence of number 6.

Look, ethanol boils off clean, iso does not. ethanol is from food products, iso is not. I'll use ethanol because iso always, ALWAYS causes me issues after short term use, no matter how washed or purged it is. Washing and purging actually removes additional terpenes.

As for coconut oil? You believe what you want, I've worked with cannabis and dosing multitudes of people and olive oil/clarified butter give the best absorption rates, period. I'm talking from experience, not magazine articles. No offense.

#6? Go look up suppositories and what happens when the colon absorbs something. I'll wait...

I work hard to make sure I'm posting correct information and yes, a lot of it does fly in the face of what everyone else seems to be posting.

Another reference for coconut oil issues? Coconut Oil Out of 8 blood type variations, only one can handle coconut. This is the exact same thing I've observed with dosing other people using coconut based cannabis oils.

Been at the medical end for 8 years now. :)