Growing High CBD hemp with Full Spectrum LED lights.

in canna-curate •  5 years ago 

The best way to learn about anything is by doing it.

If you want to learn about the powerful health benefits of CBD and the other Cannabinoids then I recommend that you simply plant a few seeds and live the experience of growing your own plants.

The very best Natural and Organic CBD is very expensive, but if you can learn to grow your own you will save a fortune and you will learn a ton about how to grow and extract the highest quality CBD Cannabinoids on the planet. all from your own own micro garden. Even with just 4 plants.

The trick is getting some good quality seeds that have 10:1 ratio of CBD:THC


This is the $9 Full Spectrum LED light we use ...


The plants are very happy ...



They will grow anywhere ... like a weed.


If you let the males and females have sex you get thousands of seeds.


You can make the very best CBD Tea and Coffee from the flowers and leaves, the entire plant ....


There is nothing like this wonderful plant called Hemp ( Kaneh Bosm in the Bible)


Here are some Charlotte’s Web High CBD Nugs.
They help to reduce anxiety, stress and High Blood Pressure.


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I'll have to find some high CDB seeds, it would be nice to have some high CBD buds around for taking breaks from THC, or if I need to sober up real quick - CBD edibles would be awesome too, THC edible effects can stack up a little too much for me sometimes.

If you send an email to Dana Larsen ( if he has some in stock) he will mail you 100 for Free from Vancouver. [email protected] .... he sends out millions for free every year as part of his OvergrowCanada campaign .... I have written about this a few hundred times over on .... ha ha

I have been enjoying some CBD tea, but it costs 15$ for 3 bags, which is about 6 cups. Each bag is around 60mg CBD. Not bad if someone wants a nice CBD every now and then, but for someone who needs 60-100mg of CBD a day, growing your own is the best.

Yeah. It is in high demand and very expensive. And Hemp with 10% CBD grow s like a weed ....

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Thank you very much.

Nothing says freedom like growing your own whether it's for cbd or any other crop. It will be nice when (someday) the government and its enforcers stop with the anti-cannabis nonsense. But unfortunately the antis have lots of $$$$$